2022-04-21 19:00:31 49.27MB sequential minimal optimization
深度学习库Keras中的Sequential是多个网络层的线性堆叠,在实现AlexNet与VGG等网络方面比较容易,因为它们没有ResNet那样的shortcut连接。在Keras中要实现ResNet网络则需要Model模型。 下面是Keras的Sequential具体示例: 可以通过向Sequential模型传递一个layer的list来构造该模型: from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Activation model = Sequential([ Dense(32, input_dim=7
2021-12-19 14:44:48 41KB al AS c
Sequential Monte Carlo in C++ 包括一片文章介绍SMC,然后是C++代码实现。
2021-12-16 17:13:37 598KB SMC C++
SNTO 是一种全局优化方法,在多维域中生成许多点; 选择最佳点,并围绕最佳点的邻域收缩域。 参见示例:统计学中的数论方法 作者:K?ai-t?ai Fang, Yuan Wang
2021-11-05 02:08:33 44KB matlab
Sequential Logic and Verilog HDL Fundamentals discusses the analysis and synthesis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential machines. These machines are implemented using Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL), in accordance with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard: 1364-1995.The book concentrates on sequential logic design with a focus on the design of various Verilog HDL projects. Emphasis is placed on structured and rigorous design principles that can be applied to practical applications. Each step of the analysis and synthesis procedures is clearly delineated. Each method that is presented is expounded in sufficient detail with accompanying examples. Many analysis and synthesis examples use mixed-logic symbols incorporating both positive- and negative-input logic gates for NAND (not AND) and NOR (not OR) logic, while other examples utilize only positive-input logic gates. The use of mixed logic parallels the use of these symbols in the industry.The book is intended to be a tutorial, and as such, is comprehensive and self-contained. All designs are carried through to completion?nothing is left unfinished or partially designed. Each chapter contains numerous problems of varying complexity to be designed by the reader using Verilog HDL design techniques. The Verilog HDL designs include the design module, the test bench module that tests the design for correct functionality, the outputs obtained from the test bench, and the waveforms obtained from the test bench.Sequential Logic and Verilog HDL Fundamentals presents Verilog HDL with numerous design examples to help the reader thoroughly understand this popular hardware description language. The book is designed for practicing electrical engineers, computer engineers, and computer scientists; for graduate students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science; and for senior-level undergraduate students.,解压密码
2021-11-02 08:04:58 10.12MB 英文
本机环境: cudatoolkit = 10.1.243 cudnn = 7.6.5 tensorflow-gpu = 2.1.0 keras-gpu = 2.3.1 今天在以TensorFlow2.1.0为后端的Keras中使用TensorBoard时报错,发现原因是keras和tf.keras混用导致的。报错与解决方案如下: 导致报错语句: summary = TensorBoard(log_dir="cnn_lstm_logs/",histogram_freq=1) 报错: ---> 54 summary = TensorBoard(log_dir="cnn_lstm_log
2021-10-04 11:36:27 214KB al AS att
时间序列分析——The main focus of this book is on a systematic development of the theory of sequential hypothesis testing (Part I) and changepoint detection (Part II). In Part III, we briefly describe certain important applications where theoretical results can be used efficiently, perhaps with some reasonable modifications. We review recent accomplishments in hypothesis testing and changepoint detection both in decision-theoretic (Bayesian) and non-decision-theoretic (non-Bayesian) contexts. The emphasis is not only on more traditional binary hypotheses but also on substantially more difficult multiple decision problems. Scenarios with simple hypotheses and more realistic cases of (two and finitely many) composite hypotheses are considered and treated in detail. While our major attention is on more practical discrete-time models, since we strongly believe that life is discrete in nature??? (not only due to measurements obtained from devices and sensors with discrete sample rates), certain continuous-timemodels are also considered once in a while, especially when general results can be obtained very similarly in both cases. It should be noted that although we have tried to provide rigorous proofs of the most important results, in some cases we included heuristic argument instead of the real proofs as well as gave references to the sources where the proofs can be found.
2021-09-26 10:25:54 8.31MB Sequential Analysis Changepoint Detection
Sequential File Prefetching In Linux Proc file system seq technology
2021-08-27 19:50:04 1.47MB Linux Kernel
信息 作为硕士论文的一部分,对C ++中实现的顺序排序算法与CUDA中实现的并行排序算法之间的比较进行了研究。 我们实现了七个算法:双音排序,多步双音排序,自适应双音排序,合并排序,快速排序,基数排序和样本排序。 顺序算法是在使用C ++的CPU上实现的,而并行算法是在使用CUDA平台的GPU上实现的。 我们改进了上述实现,并采用了它们,以便能够对任意长度的输入序列进行排序。 我们在六个不同的输入分布上比较了算法,这些分布包括32位数字,32位键值对,64位数字和64位键值对。 结果表明,基数排序是最快的顺序排序算法,而基数排序和合并排序是最快的并行排序算法(取决于输入分布)。 与顺序实现相比,通过并行实现,我们最多可实现157倍的加速。 作者:DarkoBožidar 导师:TomažDobravec博士 资料下载 结果: : 硕士学位论文(斯洛文尼亚版) : : usp
2021-08-26 10:15:00 123KB C++
序贯蒙特卡洛matlab代码联合机会约束程序的顺序凸近似:蒙特卡洛方法 介绍 这是针对联合机会约束问题的顺序凸逼近算法的Matlab实现。 它包括条件风险值(CVaR)和风险值的顺序凸近似值(迭代dc)之间的比较。 使用代码 使用Matlab直接运行example_run.m 。 您可能希望看到下面的结果图: 文件说明: example_run.m :正在运行的文件,首先打开 main_function.m :包括生成样本,应用cvar近似,epsilon近似和dc近似,返回特定设置的结果 gensample.m :为所有随机变量生成正态分布 obj_fun.m :目标函数 quantile.m :约束的quantile.m位数 opt_cvar.m, opt_dc.m, opt_eps.m :针对cvar的优化,一步直流逼近,ε逼近 con_fun_cvar.m, con_fun_dc.m, con_fun_eps.m :cvar的约束,一步直流近似,ε近似 lincave.m :凹函数的线性近似 引文 @article{hong2011sequential, title={Sequ
2021-08-06 20:12:24 27KB 系统开源