汽车电子行业专业技术文档,OSEK/VDX的Specification的所有资料文档,英文原版。 OSEK,是指德国的汽车电子类开放系统和对应接口标准(open systems and the corresponding interfaces for automotive electronics),而VDX则是汽车分布式执行标准(vehicle distributed executive),后者最初是由法国独自发起的,后来加入了OSEK团体。两者的名字都反映出OSEK/VDX的目的是为汽车电子制定标准化接口。
2022-06-03 14:04:37 3.68MB IS017356_OSEK
SECTION 1 Overview describes what the OSEK OS is and highlights its basic features. SECTION 2 Notation contains the description of the Manual structure, typographical conventions and the list of acronyms. SECTION 3 Operating System Architecture gives the high level description of OS architecture and presents OS Conformance Classes. SECTION 4 Task Management explains the task concept in OSEK and all other questions related to tasks. SECTION 5 Scheduler provides the description of scheduling policies in OSEK OS. SECTION 6 Interrupt Processing highlights OSEK approach to interrupts handling. SECTION 7 Resource Management describes resource management and task coordination by resources. SECTION 8 Counters and Alarms describes usage of these control mechanisms in OSEK OS. SECTION 9 Events is devoted to event management and task coordination by events. SECTION 10 Communication describes message concept in OSEK and their usage. SECTION 11 Error Handling and Special Routines describes support provided to the user to debug an application and handle errors. SECTION 12 System Configuration describes possible OSEK OS versions, configuration options and the configuration mechanism. SECTION 13 Building of Application contains information on how to build an user’s application using OSEK OS. It also describes memory requirements.
2022-05-21 11:08:27 1.02MB OSEK
汽车电子行业专业技术文档,OSEK/VDX的Specification的所有资料文档,英文。 OSEK,是指德国的汽车电子类开放系统和对应接口标准,而VDX则是汽车分布式执行标准,后者最初是由法国独自发起的,后来加入了OSEK团体。两者的名字都反映出OSEK/VDX的目的是为汽车电子制定标准化接口。
2022-05-13 21:04:10 3.68MB OSEK/VDX
OSEK/VDX Operating System 2.2.3 This document describes the concept of a real-time operating system, capable of multitasking, which can be used for motor vehicles. It is not a product description which relates to a specific implementation. This document also specifies the OSEK operating system - Application Program Interface.
2022-05-06 10:30:54 642KB OSEK/VDX  汽车电子
2022-04-06 00:44:53 20.71MB Osek 操作系统
2022-01-26 10:43:17 56.42MB osek OSEK汽车 汽车
ISO 17356 介绍OSEK网络管理,描述直接网络管理,间接网络管理,以及网络管理的原理等内容。NM规范没有定义最大的节点标识号,但建议采用8位地址(0-255)。虽然底层物理网络不支持消息地址,但直接NM要求间接实现对消息地址的支持
2021-12-31 10:13:04 183.28MB 操作系统 网络管理 OSEK
2021-12-22 15:03:31 455KB osek操作系统
CAN总线 OSEK直接网络管理 直接 间接
2021-12-16 17:23:36 2.79MB OSEK
2021-12-15 20:04:10 537KB OSEK网络 直接网络管理 嵌入式