A new approach to quantify the lung nodule speculation levels in CT (computed tomography) images was proposed. Firstly, two-dimensional image of nodule was generated by using the spiral scan technology. Secondly, the lung nodule was segmented in the two-dimensional image using the dynamic programming. Thirdly, based on the expanded regions from the segmented boundary, the speculation was segmented by use of threshold segmentation. Fourthly, the feature region where speculation may exist was extr
2021-02-22 14:06:23 419KB lung nodules; CT (computed
Accurate estimation of human body orientation can significantly enhance the analysis of human behavior, which is a fundamental task in the field of computer vision. However, existing orientation estimation methods cannot handle the various body poses and appearances. In this paper, we propose an innovative RGB-D-based orientation estimation method to address these challenges. By utilizing the RGB-D information, which can be real time acquired by RGB-D sensors, our method is robust to cluttered e
2021-02-09 18:06:09 896KB DBNS; human body orientation
2019-12-21 20:47:55 573KB imu 导航