Operation of Op-amps
2022-09-23 13:00:24 236KB integrator operation
双线四色macd 适用于波段操作。 (Two-line four-color MACD with deviation indication. It is suitable for band operation.)
2022-09-22 13:00:13 8KB macd macd_color operation 双线四色_macd
GPL16XXX UART&IRDA驱动代码,This file defines the data that consists entirely of lookup tables or constants, intended only to be read, and never to be modified. data or lookup tables in PAGE0 have higher performance than that in Non-PAGE0 while accessing (read operation) Note that .DATA Section can be cross-page
2022-09-21 09:00:06 9KB operation
mmp AXI peripharal clock operation source file.
2022-09-19 22:00:40 3KB operation
2022-09-14 18:43:31 133KB BASIC OPERATION AND MOVING
Optimization of Power System Operation applies the latest applications of new technologies to power system operation and analysis, including several new and important areas that are not covered in existing books: uncertainty analysis in power systems; steady-state security region analysis; optimal load shedding; and optimal reconfiguration of electric distribution networks. The book covers both traditional and modern technologies, including power flow analysis, steady-state security region analysis, security constrained economic dispatch, multi-area system economic dispatch, unit commitment, optimal power flow, smart grid operation, optimal load shed, optimal reconfiguration of distribution network, power system uncertainty analysis, power system sensitivity analysis, analytic hierarchical process, neural network, fuzzy theory, genetic algorithm, evolutionary programming, and particle swarm optimization, among others. New topics such as the wheeling model, multi-area wheeling, the total transfer capability computation in multiple areas, are also addressed. The application of renewable energy and operation of smart grid is also included in the book
2022-07-03 19:53:35 8.55MB power system
operating systems three easy pieces 最新版本,附上書籤。
2022-05-04 19:17:03 4.15MB Operation System
HCIP-Big Data Operation & Maintenance V1.0培训教材.zip
2022-04-12 14:03:38 87.19MB HCIP BigData
HCIP-Data Center Facility Operation & Maintenance V1.0培训教材.zip
2022-04-07 14:03:45 30.36MB hcip
周期方波在matlab中的代码使用MATLAB GUI可视化信号和系统的基本操作 使用MATLAB GUI,我制作了一个独立的可执行软件来计算和绘图以可视化信号的不同基本操作: 矩阵处理; 根据给定方程绘制三角形,矩形,锯齿波。 周期性(连续和离散)信号的移位,缩放和反转; 傅里叶级数可视化; 方波形成及相关的吉布斯现象。 增量,单位步长,斜坡和非周期性信号的移位,缩放和反转 傅里叶变换 采样,混叠和卷积 具有随机选择的卷号的组形成: 另外,我包括了用于从给定的卷号列表(用户给定的输入或Excel工作表输入)创建随机排序的组的代码; 输入滚动范围中的“仅奇数” /“仅偶数” /“所有滚动”可用于形成一组随机滚动,其中输入Excel文件的滚动编号可以按升序/降序/随机顺序排列,并将输出保存在具有数据形成日期时间的Excel文件的新工作表。 另外,我所做的音频处理很少,程序会在3个音频源文件中随机播放选定的音频,并且可以使用音频静音按钮将其静音。 完整的模拟视频链接: 从此链接下载.exe软件: 按照说明安装,享受 请不要侵犯版权。 工作样本: 软件主页: 信号的时移和缩放示例: 吉布斯现
2022-03-10 15:08:10 36.51MB 系统开源