2021-09-06 16:54:14 56.41MB Mission Planner
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2021-08-21 22:01:17 5.04MB 安全防护 风控 安全感知 数字认证
Code a Space Adventure Game! by Sean McManus October 2018, 280 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-857-1 Full Color. Format: epub Launch into coding with Mission Python, a space-themed guide to building a complete computer game in Python. You'll learn programming fundamentals like loops, strings, and lists as you build Escape!, an exciting game with a map to explore, items to collect, and tricky logic puzzles to solve. As you work through the book, you'll build exercises and mini-projects, like making a spacewalk simulator and creating an astronaut's safety checklist that will put your new Python skills to the test. You'll learn how to use Pygame Zero, a free resource that lets you add graphics and sound effects to your creations, and you'll get useful game-making tips, such as how to design fun puzzles and intriguing maps. Before you know it, you'll have a working, awesome game to stump your friends with (and some nifty coding skills, too!). You can follow this book using a Raspberry Pi or a Microsoft Windows PC, and the 3D graphics and sound effects you need are provided as a download. Check out the Escape game you'll build in Mission Python!
2021-08-21 21:23:37 27.86MB Mission Python epub 2018
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2021-07-07 14:52:06 89KB control ros-package mission-9 C++
这是我用VS2013编译 Mission Planner版本。终于编译通过了。
2021-05-20 19:58:40 33.1MB Mission Plan
2021-05-19 20:21:16 53.88MB Mission
2021-05-18 19:03:47 5KB 华科 Nexy4ddr 微机原理实验
2021-05-18 19:03:46 10KB 微机原理实验 华科 Nexy4ddr
2021-05-18 19:03:46 3KB 微机原理实验 华科
任务计划者 网址: : 论坛: : 下载最新的稳定版本: : 变更日志: : 许可证: : 如何编译 在Windows上(推荐) 1.安装软件 主要要求 目前,任务规划师需要: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Microsoft .NET标准2.0 集成开发环境 Visual Studio社区 推荐的编译Mission Planner的方法是通过Visual Studio。 您可以使用Visual Studio社区(版本15.3或更高版本,以包括.NET standard 2.0)做到这一点: 。 Visual Studio套件非常完善,并带有Git支持。 在安装阶段,请安装以下支持: 开发.NET桌面 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Microsoft .NET标准2.0 VSCode 当
2021-05-12 12:24:08 107.82MB c-sharp open-source station control