Sadri Hassani.Mathematical Methods Using Math.pdf
2023-02-02 16:50:49 4.22MB math
Pingouin是一个用Python 3编写的开源统计软件包,主要基于Pandas和NumPy。 下面列出了它的一些主要功能。 有关可用功能的完整列表,请参阅。 方差分析:N向,重复测量,混合,重复 成对事后检验(参数和非参数)和成对相关 稳健,部分,距离和重复测量的相关性 线性/逻辑回归和中介分析 贝叶斯因素 多元测试 可靠性和一致性 效果大小和功率分析 围绕效应大小或相关系数的参数/自举置信区间 循环统计 卡方检验 绘图:Bland-Altman图,QQ图,配对图,稳健的相关性... Pingouin是为需要简单但详尽的统计功能的用户而设计的。 例如,SciPy的ttest_ind函数仅返回T值和p值。 相比之下,Pingouin的ttest函数返回T值,p值,自由度,效应大小(Cohen d),均值之差的95%置信区间,统计功效和贝叶斯因子(BF10)的测试。 文献资料 聊天
我想说的是这类书不多,所以必定是好书。哇靠,大家支持啊。虽然很多人有这本书但是就是不分享啊。 Features •Emphasizes the latest state-of-the-art object-oriented methods wherever possible •Covers a large spectrum of computational tools, including sorting algorithms and Monte Carlo methods •Contains working C# code and numerous practical examples that illustrate how to apply the computational tools •Provides the C# source code online Summary Comprehensive Coverage of the New, Easy-to-Learn C# Although C, C++, Java, and Fortran are well-established programming languages, the relatively new C# is much easier to use for solving complex scientific and engineering problems. Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Tools in C# presents a broad collection of practical, ready-to-use mathematical routines employing the exciting, easy-to-learn C# programming language from Microsoft. The book focuses on standard numerical methods, novel object-oriented techniques, and the latest Microsoft .NET programming environment. It covers complex number functions, data sorting and searching algorithms, bit manipulation, interpolation methods, numerical manipulation of linear algebraic equations, and numerical methods for calculating approximate solutions of non-linear equations. The author discusses alternative ways to obtain computer-generated pseudo-random numbers and real random numbers generated by naturally occurring physical phenomena. He also describes various methods for approximating integrals and special functions, routines for performing statistical analyses of data, and least squares and numerical curve fitting methods for analyzing experimental data, along with numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The final chapter offers optimization methods for the minimization or maximization of functions. Exploiting the useful features of C#, this book shows how to write efficient, mathematically intense object-oriented computer programs. The vast array of practical examples presented can be easily customized and implemented to solve complex engineering and scientific problems typically found in real-world computer applications.
2023-01-07 11:54:00 3.04MB Numerical Methods Algorithms and
2022-12-30 14:49:56 9.26MB and for Mathematical Methods
2022-12-30 14:45:37 35.39MB 数学
安全档案 使用不同的加密方法轻松地加密和解密文本和文件,同时对于初学者来说是简单的,对于希望采用更好加密方式的人和企业来说则是高级的。 开发人员:欢迎您添加并建议您认为会使程序更好的任何更改。 由于我是该项目的唯一工作人员,因此我将需要矿石人员来帮助我添加更好的加密方法,并最终帮助您添加具有Java Swing或JavaFx的GUI。 用户:由于该项目甚至还没有完成或尚未发布完整版本,我建议您尝试一下,给出一些反馈,但是使用其他程序(例如Kleopatra)来加密,签名和解密文件。
Introduction to Finite and Spectral Element Methods Using MATLAB®Second Edition This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint.
2022-12-08 16:19:17 1.82MB Matlab 有限元 谱元法 微分方程数值解法
This book is especially for the software architect in the smaller, less mature software development organization (characterized as predominantly practicing ad hoc development). It provides practical guidance on the generation of effective software architectures.
2022-12-07 21:18:57 4.75MB architecture
参考: https : // 雅可比方法: Jacobi 迭代法是一种用于确定线性方程组对角主导系统的解的算法。 求解每个对角线元素,并插入一个近似值。然后迭代该过程直到收敛。 高斯-赛德尔方法: Gauss-Seidel 法,也称为 Liebmann 法或连续位移法,是一种用于求解线性方程组的迭代方法。
2022-12-05 16:02:58 30KB matlab
2022-11-30 20:32:52 394KB 最小二乘