Computational Frameworks for the Fast Fourier Transform by Charles Van Loan
2021-12-09 10:42:59 11.96MB maths analysis
2021-12-03 21:04:56 28.88MB math maths 数学
Harmonic analysis is the study of objects (functions, measures, etc.), defined on topological groups. The group structure enters into the study by allowing the consideration of the translates of the object under study, that is, by placing the object in a translation-invariant space. The study consists of two steps. First: finding the "elementary components" of the object, that is, objects of the same or similar class, which exhibit the simplest behavior under translation and which "belong" to the object under study (harmonic or spectral analysis); and second: finding a way in which the object can be construed as a combination of its elementary components (harmonic or spectral synthesis).
2021-11-28 11:56:28 1.05MB maths analysis
C语言中的数学 以下是针对各种数学问题的算法的几种实现方式。 想了解更多? 在的YouTube频道上,所有这些示例都得到了很好的解释。 具体的播放列表可以在 找到。 他们以一种非常容易理解的方式完成了复杂的话题的教学工作 :school: 我强烈推荐 :thumbs_up:
2021-11-18 15:08:35 3KB C
数学笔记 LaTeX为我在剑桥的数学课程中的笔记提供了资料。 要查看已编译的PDF,请单击。 请注意,这些并不是课程本身的详尽描述-请观看所有讲座! 这仅仅是在一个地方整理许多课程信息的方法。 建筑 将LaTeX Workshop扩展用于Visual Studio Code可能是建立此项目的最简单方法。 贡献 要对项目做出贡献(例如进行更正或添加说明),请分叉存储库,然后提交拉取请求。 任何捐款都必须在与项目本身相同的许可下进行。
2021-11-18 15:08:07 430KB notes latex-document maths TeX
上次更新时间:2019年12月10日 数学学习之路 这是我的数学学习道路。 基础的 :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。 :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。 教材: ,第五版(2016年) 在线性代数之后: :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。 教材:(2019) 在单变量演算之后: :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。 :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。 :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。 在多变量微积分之后: :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。 :white_medium_square: 麻省理工学院(OCW)。
2021-11-18 15:07:30 1KB mit learning-path courses maths
This book is our attempt to summarize the state-of-the-art of iterative channel coding. Two other popular names which describe the same area are probabilistic coding and codes on graphs. Iterative decoding was originally devised by Gallager in 1960 in his remarkable thesis and then long forgotten. It was rediscovered by Berrou, Glavieux, and hitimajshima in 1993 in the form of turbo codes, and then independently in the mid 90’s by MacKay and McNeal, Sipser and Spielman, as well as Luby, Mitzenmacher, Shokrollahi, Spielman, and Steman in a form much closer to Gallager’s original construction. Iterative techniques have had a strong impact on coding theory and practice and, more generally, on the whole of communications.
2021-11-09 15:37:33 4.67MB maths algebra number
2021-11-01 10:38:03 34.14MB maths
solution to topology 2nd Edition, Munkres, James R
2021-09-16 16:57:44 9.73MB maths topology
The present book gives an exposition of the classical basic algebraic and analytic number theory and supersedes my Algebraic Numbers, including much more material, e.g. the class field theory on which I make further comments at the appropriate place later.
2021-07-27 19:15:38 5.56MB maths algebra number