面向所有人的Web应用程序(WA4E) 课程材料 在本地主机上设置 以下是使用MAMP在Macintosh上的localhost上进行设置的步骤。 使用安装MAMP(或类似产品) 将此仓库签入htdocs中的顶级文件夹 cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs git clone https://github.com/csev/wa4e.git 进入新签出的文件夹并获取Tsugi的副本: cd wa4e git clone https://github.com/csev/tsugi.git 在您SQL Server中创建一个数据库: CREATE DATABASE t
2022-10-02 10:38:29 184.82MB php database course-materials mooc
As the requirements of the semiconductor industry have become more demanding in terms of resolution and speed it has been necessary to push photoresist materials far beyond the capabilities previously envisioned. Currently there is significant worldwide research effort in to so called Next Generation Lithography techniques such as EUV lithography and multibeam electron beam lithography. These developments in both the industrial and the academic lithography arenas have led to the proliferation of numerous novel approaches to resist chemistry and ingenious extensions of traditional photopolymers. Currently most texts in this area focus on either lithography with perhaps one or two chapters on resists, or on traditional resist materials with relatively little consideration of new approaches. This book therefore aims to bring together the worlds foremost resist development scientists from the various community to produce in one place a definitive description of the many approaches to lithography fabrication. Assembles up-to-date information from the world’s premier resist chemists and technique development lithographers on the properties and capabilities of the wide range of resist materials currently under investigationIncludes information on processing and metrology techniquesBrings together multiple approaches to litho pattern recording from academia and industry in one place
2022-09-04 11:23:40 57.27MB 光刻
2022-06-21 17:09:02 65.39MB
计算机网络第6版课件:Extend materials physical layer and more.ppt
2022-06-19 14:05:34 4.28MB 计算机网络
环己酮-戈莫德 cyclonedx-gomod从Go模块创建CycloneDX软件物料清单(SBOM) 安装 预构建的二进制文件在页面上可用。 从来源 go install github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-gomod@latest 从源代码构建需要Go 1.16或更高版本。 兼容性 cyclonedx-gomod将为的最新版本的CycloneDX规范生成BOM。 您可以使用在多种BOM格式或规范版本之间进行转换。 用法 Usage of cyclonedx-gomod: -json Output in JSON format -module string Path to Go module (default ".") -noserial Omit serial number -novprefix
统计补充材料 我已发表和正在进行的工作的统计补充材料代码。
2022-05-18 20:17:46 2.11MB HTML
瓦瑟斯坦·甘 Wasserstein GAN(WGAN)论文的PyTorch实现。 该项目正在尝试出于教育目的复制LSUN和CIFAR10实验。 在这个项目中,我们还可以看到深度卷积生成对抗网络(DCGAN)如何演变成WGAN。 注意:DCGAN最初是使用Keras 1实现的,并迁移到了Keras 2。 Jupyter笔记本 火炬 LSUN卧室数据集 用于下载和预处理LSUN LMDB数据的脚本 火炬 CIFAR10 凯拉斯2 MNIST 预训练模型 PyTorch权重文件: 生成的图像样本 更多生成的样本
此为中科大materials studio 5.0版本的系列培训教程的第13节(此节使用materials studio计算功函数),欢迎关注下载!
2022-05-09 11:42:43 1.05MB materials studio 中科大 材料学
MS资料大全,关于materials studio计算的各种资料
2022-05-07 21:34:57 9.87MB MS
敏捷培训演示和课程资料 在第一天,该课程将回到基本的敏捷价值观和原则。 它基于团队知识继续进行Scrum复习。 解释了极限编程的要素。 第二天,我们将讨论使用各种模型的高性能团队。 关于参与者的假设 是一个团队进行软件开发 已经熟悉scrum
2022-05-07 13:00:12 49.07MB course-materials agile JavaScript