2022-03-13 10:54:49 30.19MB Electric Machinery
2021-12-09 10:06:34 15.41MB 电机学 英文版 清晰版非扫描
使用 MATLAB 和 SIMULINK 进行交互式建模所需的一切。 借助当今的个人计算机,学生有能力创建电机仿真,从而使他们能够研究瞬态和控制性能并测试概念设计。 这些模拟的结果可以揭示从机器的理论和设计中可能不太明显的行为。 本书及其附带的网站提供了从背景理论和模型到常用机器系统的模拟和线性分析的实现和验证技术的完整处理。 他们包括: 三相和单相变压器,磁芯饱和建模。 三相和单相感应电机。 三相和六相同步电机,绕线和永磁场。 直流电机:四象限驱动操作、启动、速度和转矩控制。 感应电机驱动:伏特/赫兹控制和磁场定向控制电力系统研究中的同步电机:多机系统、轴扭转、励磁控制。 同步机驱动:自控和永磁场。 电机动态仿真的每一章都包含练习和项目,可以使用随附的软件进行探索。 一整章专门介绍 MATLAB 和 SIMULINK 的使用,附录提供了对所用关键数值方法的方便概述。 电机动力学
2021-12-01 11:41:24 1.42MB matlab
An updated approach to reference frame analysis of electric machines and drive systems Since the first edition of Analysis of Electric Machinery was published, the reference frame theory that was detailed in the book has become the universally accepted approach for the analysis of both electric machines and electric drive systems. Now in its second edition, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems presents, in one resource, the application of this theory to the analysis, simulation, and design of the complete drive system including the machine, converter, and control. Supplemented with more than 325 figures, this book also covers: Analysis of converters used in electric drive systems, as well as DC, induction, and brushless DC motor drives Detailed treatment of supervisory down to switch level converter controls Nonlinear average value modeling of converters and drive systems Operational impedances and reduced-order modeling Guidelines for computer simulation of machines and drive systems Complete with condensed, quick-reference treatments of necessary theoretical material, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems, Second Edition is appropriate as a senior- and graduate-level text as well as an invaluable resource for electrical, mechanical, and systems engineers in the electric machinery and drives areas.
2021-11-24 18:07:59 66.05MB Analysis Electric Machinery Drive
2021-11-19 11:16:44 12.98MB Matlab
对旋转机械的故障诊断资料都是国外的文献,相关中文资料比较少,因此对学习相关故障诊断技术的门槛增加,这本书是比较靠谱的书籍之一,旋转机械诊断技术_Fundamentals of Rotating Machinery Diagnostics,高清中文版
2021-10-18 11:32:58 154.96MB 旋转机械 故障诊断
Electric Machinery Fundamentals - 5th Ed
2021-09-10 20:39:25 37.28MB Electric Machinery Fundamentals
ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery — General principles for design and application(ISO TR 22100-1_5).7z
2021-09-02 12:01:35 55.49MB 资料
MGS-Mechinery(Unity 机械机构关节脚本)
2021-08-26 19:11:55 386KB MGS-Mechinery(Un
外国电机学6版的答案 内容很清晰配合外国经典电机学6版学习效果好
2021-08-03 11:30:01 3.26MB 电机