Liu, J. S., Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
2021-12-28 20:58:26 24.39MB 蒙特卡罗方法
2021-12-15 16:03:06 26KB
我们使用 Chu-Liu/Edmonds 算法的思想,见论文 [1,2],在这里实现四个功能。 1.最大有向最大生成树通过 DirectedMaximumSpanningTree.m 2. 最小有向最大生成树作者:DirectedMinimalSpanningTree.m 3.最大有向最大生成森林作者:MaximalDirectedMSF.m 4. 最小有向最大生成森林由 MinimalDirectedMSF.m 可以从“ControlCenter.m”开始,这里是一个简单的例子和​​如何使用代码的解释。 对于高级用户,我也通过mex编程改进了代码,它能够处理数据集中超过1000个变量,检查名为:AdvanceUser的折叠如果有任何问题,请告诉我,我会尽快帮助您。 注意:mex 编译器应该在你的 matlab 中准备好了。 [1] YJ Chu 和 TH Liu,“关于有向图的最短
2021-10-16 16:56:03 7KB matlab
BEPS_D Daily BEPS 模型最初是由 Jane Liu 开发的。 这里的文件由 G. Mo 上传,稍后可能由 Jane 更新。
2021-09-28 11:04:05 74KB C
包含 中文译版+英文原版 书名:Real Time System(实时系统) 作者:Jane.W.S.Liu 内容详细全面 希望对大家有用
2021-09-22 20:30:09 53.64MB Real Time 系统 Jane.W.S.Liu
2021-08-28 14:09:12 548KB oracle
信息安全_数据安全_us-18-Liu-Over-The-Air-How-We-Re 网络信息安全 业务风控 安全 自动化 安全管理
加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)电气工程系刘佳明教授的顶级大作。建议从事光纤,光波导,激光,光电子器件设计等方面的研究人员以及学生下载。 Photonic devices lie at the heart of the communications revolution, and have become a large and important part of the electronic engineering field, so much so that many colleges now treat this as a subject in its own right. With this in mind, the author has put together a unique textbook covering every major photonic device, and striking a careful balance between theoretical and practical concepts. The book assumes a basic knowledge of optics, semiconductors, and electromagnetic waves; many of the key background concepts are reviewed in the first chapter. Devices covered include optical fibers, couplers, electro-optic devices, magneto-optic devices, acousto-optic devices, nonlinear optical devices, optical amplifiers, lasers, light-emitting diodes, and photodetectors. Problems are included at the end of each chapter and a solutions set is available. The book is ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate courses, but being device-driven it is also an excellent reference for engineers.
2021-08-12 10:46:56 10.31MB waveguide optical fibers laser
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics A Meshfree Particle Method - GR Liu(book)
2021-07-18 09:18:05 27.86MB SPH