安装debug-bridge 插件,实现Zotero执行外部javascript文件。 在Zotero中点击菜单Tools(工具)—>Developer(开发者)—>Run Javascript,在Code文本框中输入并运行代码。
2024-07-25 15:44:41 5KB javascript
2024-07-18 13:33:05 300KB libstdc++-
标题中的"wget-1.14-18.el7-6.1.x86-64.rpm"指的是一款名为wget的开源下载工具在Linux系统中的RPM(Red Hat Package Manager)格式软件包。wget是互联网上广泛使用的命令行工具,用于从Web服务器下载文件,支持HTTP、HTTPS和FTP协议,甚至可以通过代理服务器工作。它的一大特点是可以断点续传,即使网络中断也能在之后继续下载,非常适用于大文件的下载。 描述中的内容与标题相同,暗示这是一个针对特定版本(el7-6.1)且为64位架构的wget软件包。"el7"通常指的是Enterprise Linux 7,比如CentOS 7或Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7,这些都是基于Linux的服务器操作系统。 标签为"linux",表明这个知识点与Linux操作系统相关,特别是软件管理和安装方面。 在压缩包子文件的文件名称列表中,提到了"wget包",这可能是指wget的源代码、配置文件或者其他相关文档,但具体信息不足,无法详细展开。 在Linux系统中,RPM包是用于软件安装、升级和卸载的主要方式之一。要安装wget-1.14-18.el7-6.1.x86-64.rpm,用户可以使用RPM命令,例如: ```bash sudo rpm -ivh wget-1.14-18.el7-6.1.x86_64.rpm ``` `-i`表示安装,`-v`表示详细模式,`-h`则是在安装过程中显示进度条。 wget的常用命令和功能包括: 1. **基本下载**:`wget `,例如 `wget https://example.com/file.zip`。 2. **断点续传**:`wget -c `,如果下载中断,可以继续从上次停止的地方开始。 3. **镜像下载**:`wget --mirror -p -np -k `,这将下载整个网站并进行本地镜像,`-p`包含预览文件,`-np`不进入父目录,`-k`将链接转换为本地链接。 4. **指定文件名**:`wget -O <本地文件名> `,例如 `wget -O myfile.txt http://example.com/somefile.txt`。 5. **限制下载速度**:`wget --limit-rate=<速率> `,例如 `wget --limit-rate=100k http://example.com/largefile.iso`。 此外,wget还有许多其他高级特性,如时间戳比较、自定义HTTP头部、POST数据提交、通过代理服务器下载等,使其成为Linux系统中不可或缺的工具。对于系统管理员和开发者来说,熟练掌握wget的使用能极大地提高工作效率。
2024-07-13 00:58:35 532KB linux
javaEE javaweb常用jar包 , 亲测可用,下载后导入到java工程中使用。
2024-07-11 17:52:15 1.73MB java jar包 maven javaweb
在IT领域,软件管理和监控是至关重要的任务,而Zabbix Agent是其中一款广泛使用的开源解决方案。本文将深入探讨Zabbix Agent及其批量安装过程,以及与之相关的依赖库PCRE2。 Zabbix Agent是一款强大的网络监控工具,用于收集服务器、网络设备和其他IT资源的性能数据。在Zabbix 6.4.1版本中,它提供了丰富的监控功能,能够实时监控硬件状态、系统负载、网络流量等关键指标,并将这些信息报告给Zabbix Server,以便进行进一步分析和预警。`zabbix-agent-6.4.1-release1.el7.x86_64.rpm`是适用于Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7)平台的64位Zabbix Agent安装包,支持自动化安装和配置,极大地简化了部署流程。 在安装Zabbix Agent时,常常会遇到依赖问题。`pcre2-10.23-2.el7.x86_64.rpm`就是其中一个重要的依赖库,全称为Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 2。PCRE2是用于处理正则表达式的库,Zabbix Agent在进行数据匹配和过滤时会用到这个库。因此,在安装Zabbix Agent前,确保PCRE2库已经正确安装,可以避免因依赖问题导致的安装失败。 安装Zabbix Agent的步骤通常如下: 1. **下载安装包**:你需要获取`zabbix-agent-6.4.1-release1.el7.x86_64.rpm`和`pcre2-10.23-2.el7.x86_64.rpm`这两个文件,这可以通过官方渠道或第三方镜像站点完成。 2. **安装依赖**:在RHEL 7环境下,使用`yum`命令安装PCRE2依赖库: ``` sudo yum install pcre2-10.23-2.el7.x86_64.rpm ``` 3. **安装Zabbix Agent**:接着安装Zabbix Agent: ``` sudo yum install zabbix-agent-6.4.1-release1.el7.x86_64.rpm ``` 4. **配置Zabbix Agent**:安装完成后,需要对Zabbix Agent进行配置。主要配置文件是`/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf`,包括设置Server地址、监听端口、数据收集频率等参数。 5. **启动和启用服务**:启动Zabbix Agent并设置为开机启动: ``` sudo systemctl start zabbix-agent sudo systemctl enable zabbix-agent ``` 6. **验证安装**:可以通过`systemctl status zabbix-agent`检查服务状态,确保Zabbix Agent已成功运行。 批量安装Zabbix Agent时,你可以将上述命令集成到一个脚本中,并在多台主机上执行。如果使用的是配置管理系统如Ansible,还可以编写playbook自动化执行这些步骤,大大提高了效率。 Zabbix Agent是高效监控IT环境的工具,而PCRE2是其关键的依赖库。正确地安装和配置这两者,可以实现对IT基础设施的全面、实时监控,确保业务的稳定运行。在RHEL 7环境下,通过上述步骤和方法,可以顺利地进行Zabbix Agent的批量部署。
2024-07-10 17:02:47 727KB
qwt-6.2.0动态库,msvc2019编译,使用v142工具集。 包含QtDesigner插件(qwt_designer_plugin.dll); 包含qwtmathml库(qwtmathml.dll); Debug Release均有! 测试可正常使用。
2024-07-10 16:55:02 8.54MB
EN 61000-4系列标准是中国和国际上广泛采用的一套电磁兼容(EMC)测试标准,主要用于确保电子设备在各种电磁环境中能够正常工作。这套标准由多个部分组成,涵盖了电磁环境中的不同骚扰类型。在这个"EN 61000-4标准2-6全套"压缩包中,我们重点关注的是第二部分(EN 61000-4-2)和第六部分(EN 61000-4-6)的内容,它们分别涉及静电放电抗扰度和传导骚扰抗扰度。 **EN 61000-4-2 静电放电抗扰度** 这部分标准定义了如何评估设备对静电放电的耐受能力。静电放电通常发生在人体与设备接触时,或者物体之间的摩擦产生静电。这种现象可能导致电子设备的瞬间故障或永久损坏。EN 61000-4-2规定了测试方法,包括放电电压等级、放电模式以及测试距离等参数,以确保设备在实际环境中能抵御静电放电的影响。测试过程中,会模拟不同级别和类型的静电放电,以检查设备的稳定性。 **EN 61000-4-6 传导骚扰抗扰度** 传导骚扰抗扰度测试则关注的是通过电源线或其他连接线引入的电磁骚扰。这些骚扰可能来自电网、其他设备,或者是设备自身的谐波电流。EN 61000-4-6定义了评估设备承受传导骚扰的能力,包括测试频率范围、骚扰电平以及测试条件。测试目的是确保设备在受到这些骚扰时仍能保持正常功能。 EMC测试的重要性在于,它确保了电子设备不仅自身不会产生过量的电磁骚扰,而且还能抵抗外部电磁环境的干扰,从而保证设备在整个生命周期内的可靠性和安全性。尤其对于医疗设备、航空航天、汽车电子等领域,EMC测试是产品认证不可或缺的一部分。 在实际应用中,EN 61000-4标准通常与其他相关标准(如IEC 61000系列、GB/T 17626系列等)一起参考,以形成全面的EMC合规性评估。这些文档的使用者可能包括产品设计工程师、质量保证人员、实验室测试技术人员,以及法规合规部门等,他们需要理解并执行这些标准,以满足不同国家和地区的市场准入要求。 综上所述,"EN 61000-4标准2-6全套"包含的测试规范对电子设备的电磁兼容性能提供了严谨的评估框架,是保障产品质量和用户安全的重要工具。通过详细阅读和理解这些文档,相关人员可以有效地进行产品的EMC设计优化和测试验证,确保产品能够在复杂多变的电磁环境中稳定运行。
2024-07-01 12:29:05 10.4MB
2024-06-25 11:42:07 547.88MB stm32
greenplum-db-6.2.1-rhel7-x86_64.rpm Pivotal Greenplum 6.2 Release Notes This document contains pertinent release information about Pivotal Greenplum Database 6.2 releases. For previous versions of the release notes for Greenplum Database, go to Pivotal Greenplum Database Documentation. For information about Greenplum Database end of life, see Pivotal Greenplum Database end of life policy. Pivotal Greenplum 6 software is available for download from the Pivotal Greenplum page on Pivotal Network. Pivotal Greenplum 6 is based on the open source Greenplum Database project code. Important: Pivotal Support does not provide support for open source versions of Greenplum Database. Only Pivotal Greenplum Database is supported by Pivotal Support. Release 6.2.1 Release Date: 2019-12-12 Pivotal Greenplum 6.2.1 is a minor release that includes new features and resolves several issues. New Features Greenplum Database 6.2.1 includes these new features: Greenplum Database supports materialized views. Materialized views are similar to views. A materialized view enables you to save a frequently used or complex query, then access the query results in a SELECT statement as if they were a table. Materialized views persist the query results in a table-like form. Materialized view data cannot be directly updated. To refresh the materialized view data, use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command. See Creating and Managing Materialized Views. Note: Known Issues and Limitations describes a limitation of materialized view support in Greenplum 6.2.1. The gpinitsystem utility supports the --ignore-warnings option. The option controls the value returned by gpinitsystem when warnings or an error occurs. If you specify this option, gpinitsystem returns 0 if warnings occurred during system initialization, and returns a non-zero value if a fatal error occurs. If this option is not specified, gpinitsystem returns 1 if initialization completes with warnings, and returns value of 2 or greater if a fatal error occurs. PXF version 5.10.0 is included, which introduces several new and changed features and bug fixes. See PXF Version 5.10.0 below. PXF Version 5.10.0 PXF 5.10.0 includes the following new and changed features: PXF has improved its performance when reading a large number of files from HDFS or an object store. PXF bundles newer tomcat and jackson libraries. The PXF JDBC Connector now supports pushdown of OR and NOT logical filter operators when specified in a JDBC named query or in an external table query filter condition. PXF supports writing Avro-format data to Hadoop and object stores. Refer to Reading and Writing HDFS Avro Data for more information about this feature. PXF is now certified with Hadoop 2.x and 3.1.x and Hive Server 2.x and 3.1, and bundles new and upgraded Hadoop libraries to support these versions. PXF supports Kerberos authentication to Hive Server 2.x and 3.1.x. PXF supports per-server user impersonation configuration. PXF supports concurrent access to multiple Kerberized Hadoop clusters. In previous releases of Greenplum Database, PXF supported accessing a single Hadoop cluster secured with Kerberos, and this Hadoop cluster must have been configured as the default PXF server. PXF introduces a new template file, pxf-site.xml, to specify the Kerberos and impersonation property settings for a Hadoop or JDBC server configuration. Refer to About Kerberos and User Impersonation Configuration (pxf-site.xml) for more information about this file. PXF now supports connecting to Hadoop with a configurable Hadoop user identity. PXF previously supported only proxy access to Hadoop via the gpadmin Greenplum user. PXF version 5.10.0 deprecates the following configuration properties. Note: These property settings continue to work. The PXF_USER_IMPERSONATION, PXF_PRINCIPAL, and PXF_KEYTAB settings in the pxf-env.sh file. You can use the pxf-site.xml file to configure Kerberos and impersonation settings for your new Hadoop server configurations. The pxf.impersonation.jdbc property setting in the jdbc-site.xml file. You can use the pxf.service.user.impersonation property to configure user impersonation for a new JDBC server configuration. Note: If you have previously configured a PXF JDBC server to access Kerberos-secured Hive, you must upgrade the server definition. See Upgrading PXF in Greenplum 6.x for more information. Changed Features Greenplum Database 6.2.1 includes these changed features: Greenplum Stream Server version 1.3.1 is included in the Greenplum distribution. Resolved Issues Pivotal Greenplum 6.2.1 is a minor release that resolves these issues: 29454 - gpstart During Greenplum Database start up, the gpstart utility did not report when a segment instance failed to start. The utility always displayed 0 skipped segment starts. This issue has been resolved. gpstart output was also enhanced to provide additional warnings and summary information about the number of skipped segments. For example: [WARNING]:-********
2024-06-21 17:41:39 173.47MB greenplum-db gpdb 6.2.1
2024-06-16 06:34:01 48.86MB