2022-10-10 22:55:16 10.09MB centos
The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages pdf格式.
2022-10-03 15:39:50 6.24MB Formal Semantics Programming Languages
This book is designed for an introductory course on formal languages, automata, computability, and related matters. These topics form a major part of what is known as the theory of computation. A course on this subject matter is now standard in the computer science curriculum and is often taught fairly early in the program. Hence, the prospective audience for this book consists primarily of sophomores and juniors majoring in computer science or computer engineering.
2022-09-16 15:39:01 8.23MB Formal Languages Automata
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Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi原版
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TTS朗读软件调用Microsoft Speech Platform Runtime和Languages
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C语言ISO标准C99; 英文版; 自带目录; pdf格式, 非扫描版, 支持文本搜索; 深入学习掌握标准C语言的不二选择
2022-03-28 21:40:26 2.09MB C99标准 英文版 自带目录 非扫描版本