iOS 12.3 真机开发包 正式版. 使用方法: 将下载好的调试包解压,快捷键command+shift+g前往文件夹: /Applications/ 把解压后的文件放入到该目录下,关闭Xcode,然后重新启动即可
2022-05-19 14:05:16 12.58MB iOS12.3 iOS 12.3 真机开发包
iOS 12.4 真机开发包 正式版. 使用方法: 将下载好的调试包解压,快捷键command+shift+g前往文件夹: /Applications/ 把解压后的文件放入到该目录下,关闭Xcode,然后重新启动即可
2022-05-19 14:05:16 12.57MB iOS12.4 iOS 12.4 真机开发包
libstdc++适配Xcode10与iOS12. Mac Xcode升级到10之后,原先的工程编译不通过问题解决。
2022-05-17 14:59:34 56KB iOS xcode10 lib
2022-02-23 15:14:36 12.58MB 驱动
2022-01-20 17:38:39 22.88MB iOS12设计规范
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2022-01-03 16:16:50 48.52MB ios ios12.0
iOS 12 CarPlay示例 在iOS 12及更高版本中使用CarPlay框架的示例。 概括 该示例项目使用CarPlay框架从您现有的项目开始一个简单的导航会话。 它利用CPApplicationDelegate连接到您的汽车, CPInterfaceController附加您的视图控制器,并CPMapTemplate显示和示例模板作为控制器“根模板”的一部分。 笔记 到目前为止,我已经注意到一些一般性提示: CarPlay主要在“模板”中工作,而不是在“视图”或“控制器”中工作。 这意味着您无法像设计iOS应用程序那样设计CarPlay屏幕,但需要提供随后显示在相关模板中的信息。 连接是通过从UIApplicationDelegate继承的CPApplicationDelegate委托完成的,因此您通常将其作为主app-delegate类的一部分进行处理。 连接后,您可以像使
2021-12-27 17:24:14 43KB example ios12 carplay xcode10
项目作者不是我,我只是把他编译成windows环境下可执行程序 原作者 zhlynn github开源项目地址: 自己找了很久 没在网上找到编译好的执行程序 索性自己编译了一份 分享出来供大家节省时间 教程地址:
Location IOS12.2驱动包,亲测解压复制到drivers目录可用
2021-11-23 13:54:22 12.12MB 定位
Learn Swift by Building Applications: Explore Swift programming through iOS app development by Emil Atanasov Packt Publishing English 2018-05-25 366 pages 5.0/5.0 1 reviews Details Title: Learn Swift by Building Applications: Explore Swift programming through iOS app development Author: Emil Atanasov Length: 366 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2018-05-25 ISBN-10: 178646392X ISBN-13: 9781786463920 Sales Rank: #1123253 (See Top 100 Books) Categories Computers & Technology Mobile Phones, Tablets & E-Readers Operating Systems Programming Programming Languages Description Start building your very own mobile apps with this comprehensive introduction to Swift and object-oriented programming Key Features A complete beginner's guide to Swift programming language Understand core Swift programming concepts and techniques for creating popular iOS apps Start your journey toward building mobile app development with this practical guide Book Description Swift Language is now more powerful than ever; it has introduced new ways to solve old problems and has gone on to become one of the fastest growing popular languages. It is now a de-facto choice for iOS developers and it powers most of the newly released and popular apps. This practical guide will help you to begin your journey with Swift programming through learning how to build iOS apps. You will learn all about basic variables, if clauses, functions, loops, and other core concepts; then structures, classes, and inheritance will be discussed. Next, you'll dive into developing a weather app that consumes data from the internet and presents information to the user. The final project is more complex, involving creating an Instagram like app that integrates different external libraries. The app also uses CocoaPods as its package dependency manager, to give you a cutting-edge tool to add to your skillset. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to model real-world apps
2021-11-18 23:05:46 16.8MB IOS SWIFT ios12 Emil