2022-10-14 21:18:34 8KB computer-science template latex homework
2022-09-23 17:01:52 3KB visual_c
李宏毅 2020 ML Homework 2 - Classification
2022-07-23 10:41:26 2.53MB 数据集
东北大学软件学院 学生实训总结报告 实训基地:北京西普阳光教育科技股份有限公司
2022-06-18 19:35:41 11.48MB homework
麻省理工大学matlab homework,代码+图+报告。里面还涉及到同心圆和奥运五环的绘制。
2022-06-09 13:05:46 1.04MB matlab
包含《 UCI数据分析2020-2021》的作业
2022-06-08 11:23:16 8.26MB JupyterNotebook
I. Design of the homework In this homework, we will practice some important knowledge of C++ in the chapters on classes, before the inheritance part (chapter 13). A sequence of numbered tasks are designed (described in Section IV). Each task requires writing some simple code to reflect your understanding of some knowledge of C++. II. Tasks of the homework Read the files in the folder Code of this assignment on Moodle. The testing .cpp files, whose file names include the prefix "test", are comple
2022-06-02 14:03:46 261KB c++
1 Overview For the 0th lab of 15-513, you will implement the data structure of cords, which provide constanttime string concatenation. This lab will give you practice in the style of programming you will need to be able to do proficiently, especially for the later assignments in the class The material covered should all be review for you. Some of the skills tested are: • Explicit memory management, as required in C. • Creating and manipulating pointer-based data structures. • Working with strin
2022-05-27 19:04:57 211KB C语言 二叉树
大学计算机xuanxiu课程:image processing and computer vision 课程 个人作业以及源代码
2022-05-24 17:05:22 27.48MB 文档资料
1.H2大小的标头 2.H4大小的头 3.到外部网站的链接: 4.markdown页面之间的链接。 从README.md链接到第二个markdown文件,然后从第二个markdown文件链接回到 5,是目录中文件的图像: 6.位于网络上的图像(不是目录中的文件)。 如果您在网络浏览器中右键单击图像,则弹出窗口中会提供一个选项来获取图像的地址/ URL: 7.一个代码块,其中所使用的编程语言具有语法突出显示。 在代码块中放入一些示例代码。 我不在乎什么代码。 请注意,定义代码块的这三个刻度是反引号而不是撇号: $ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { alert ( 'RUNOOB' ) ; } ) ; 8.报价 9.项目符号列表: 第一的 第二 第三 10.编号列表: 第一的 第二 第三 11.a表: 数字 物品 1个 苹果
2022-05-19 13:23:58 65KB