High-Dimensional-LBP, 面向人脸识别的高维LBP特征的实现 High-Dimensional-LBP面向人脸识别的高维lbp特征实现Dong,Xudong,Wen,Jian 。 维度之福:高维特征及其有效的面验证压缩。 计算机视觉和 Pattern 识别( CVPR ),2013.我使用op
2021-04-25 19:44:21 329KB 开源
2021-03-19 15:04:40 64.72MB big data machine learning
This paper proposes a new method to weight subspaces in feature groups and individual features for clustering high-dimensional data. In this method, the features of high-dimensional data are divided into feature groups, based on their natural characteristics. Two types of weights are introduced to the clustering process to simultaneously identify the importance of feature groups and individual features in each cluster. A new optimization model is given to define the optimization process and a ne
2021-02-20 20:09:53 963KB 研究论文
This paper presents a Crotch Ensemble classification model for high dimensional data. A Crotch Ensemble is obtained from a decision cluster tree built by calling a clustering algorithm recursively. A crotch is an inner node of the tree together with its direct children. If the children of a crotch h
2021-02-20 20:09:19 640KB 研究论文
High-Dimensional Statistics A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint by Martin J. Wainwright, University of California, Berkeley。2019年 Cambridge University Press 新书,高维统计经典教材,统计学习理论重要书籍。
2019-12-21 19:40:38 4.85MB 高维统计 机器学习理论 概率