行业教育软件-学习软件-软件下载_学习软件_电脑学习_VAR Grade免费下载 (1).zip
2021-08-03 09:15:03 10.72MB 行业教育软件-学习软件-软件下载
行业教育软件-学习软件-软件下载_学习软件_电脑学习_VAR Grade免费下载.zip
Mcgraw Hill - Geometry, Student Edition Grade 8
2021-07-20 16:32:26 79.81MB geomet
dataseg segment but db 0DH,0AH,'the result $' grade dw 76,69,84,90,73,88,99,63,100,80 s6 db 0 s7 db 0 s8 db 0 s9 db 0 s10 db 0 dataseg ends cseg segment main proc far assume cs:cseg,ds:dataseg start: push ds sub ax,ax push ax mov ax,dataseg mov ds,ax mov cx,10 call count call disp mov ah,1 int 21h ret main endp count proc near mov si,0 next:mov ax,grade[si] mov bl,10 div bl mov bl,al mov bh,0 sub bx,6 cmp bx,0 jae next1 next1: inc s6[bx] add si,2 loop next ret count endp disp proc near lea si,s6 mov cx,5 loop1:
2021-07-01 20:05:04 721B grade
全球首个链上隐私技术落地,金融级财团区块链的机密性支持,蚂蚁金服团队发表在顶会SIGMOD 2020
2021-06-14 16:25:00 2.65MB 区块链 隐私保护 TEE
Easy Grade Pro Easy Grade Pro allows you to create an electronic gradebook which, like a paper gradebook, can store student, assignment, score and attendance data on all of your classes and subjects for a year
2021-06-01 18:05:34 17.87MB .egp easy-grade
论文SIGMOD2020, Confidentiality Support over Financial Grade consortium blockchain,
2021-06-01 10:50:40 2.7MB 区块链
该数据接近了两所葡萄牙学校的中学学生的学习成绩。数据属性包括学生成绩,人口统计,社会和与学校相关的特征),并通过使用学校报告和调查表进行收集。提供了两个有关两个不同学科表现的数据集:数学(mat)和葡萄牙语(por)。在[Cortez and Silva,2008]中,两个数据集是在二进制/五级分类和回归任务下建模的。 student-mat-pass-or-fail.csv
2021-04-29 12:51:19 5KB 数据集
BRS IBDP Predicted Grade Process.pdf
2021-03-30 18:04:07 128KB ibdp
Building Enterprise-Grade Blockchain Databases with MongoDB
2021-01-28 02:57:17 1.89MB Blockchain MongoDB