EZ-USB FX3 SDK FX3_SDK_Windows_v1.3.3.exe CYUSB3014芯片的SDK安装包完整包 一个积分送给大家
2022-10-15 14:07:59 354.69MB EZ-USBFX3SDK FX3SDK USB3.0 CYUSB3014
Adptec EZ SCSI 6.0 软件简介: Adaptec出品的SCSI硬盘检测工具,可测试SCSI硬盘速度,查看出厂坏道(Primary Defect List)及成长坏道(Grown Defect List),查看硬盘及SCSI卡当前运行在什么模式。 支持硬件列表(表内没有列出的硬件不一定支持):    Ultra320 Controller Description ---------------------------------------------------------------- Adaptec SCSI Card 39320 Dual Channel 64-bit PCI-X 133MHz to Ultra320 SCSI Card (one external 68-pin, two internal 68-pin) Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D Dual Channel 64-bit PCI-X 133MHz to Ultra320 SCSI Card (two external VHDC with one internal 68-pin) Adaptec SCSI Card 29320 Single Channel 64-bit PCI-X 133MHz to Ultra320 SCSI Card (one external 68-pin, two internal 68-pin, one internal 50-pin) Adaptec SCSI Card 29320LP Single Channel 64-bit Low Profile PCI-X 133MHz to Ultra320 SCSI Card (One external VHDC, one internal 68-pin)   ez-scsi 5.0原本是用来测试scsi硬盘传输性能的,但由于板载ide控制芯片通常被当作scsi控制器来对待,连接在其上的硬盘也就被当作了scsi设备,这使得我们可以利用ez-scsi 5.0的same sector i/o来测试ultra ata/100接口的传输能力。
2022-07-22 21:56:05 8.11MB EZ-SCSI
2022-07-03 10:19:01 6KB MSP43 仿
打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63p_b6打印机驱动 SW_EZ_V2.63
2022-05-26 11:04:53 46.02MB 源码软件 打印机驱动SW_EZ_V2.6
本系统在vs2005下开发的 它可以通过usb实现和开发板进行通讯!
2022-05-20 11:15:43 8.74MB usb通讯
EZ-EDS V3.23.1.20171205 1. What is EZ-EDS? -------------------- EZ-EDS is a tool that creates and edits CompoNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP and Generic EDS files. It was created in hopes of simplifying the process of creating and maintaining EDS files. EZ-EDS uses a simple tree structure to organize the sections, entries and the end comment in an EDS file. Selecting these items displays various forms that allow the user to edit the values of the EDS keywords. The forms are meant to speed the process of entering data and to minimize the pos sibility of errors in the EDS. Freeware based on: CIP Specification Edition 3.23 EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.23, DeviceNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.14, ControlNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.8, CIP Safety Specification Edition 2.16, CompoNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.7, Integration of Modbus Devices into the CIP Architecture Edition 1.8 CIP Security Edition 1.3
2022-05-16 13:29:12 936B 描述
cy3684_ez_usb_fx2lp_development_kit_15, EZ-USB FX2LP 开发套件,CY7C68013固件
2022-05-07 22:58:26 26.03MB CY7C68013 EZ_USB 开发套件
EZReplayManager V1.5.3是一款用于Unity3D的回放插件,unity3D做开发的时候可以用到的插件。EZReplayManager主要运用在游戏或者仿真软件中,用于记录视频回放,可以回放的是位置信息、旋转信息和粒子效果等。   本人亲测EZReplayManager可正常使用,通过记录游戏对象的位置信息和旋转信息,以及发生位置信息和旋转信息变化时的时间。当回放的时候,将真实的记录信息的游戏对象隐藏,重新生成对应的游戏对象,之后按照记录的信息回放。
2022-05-05 12:05:26 11.31MB unity
有限差分法的最用户友好的简单示例。 我希望这对所有热情的数值初学者都有帮助。
2022-05-03 16:29:53 3KB matlab
第18章-基于slaveFIFO模式数据采集 (1)EZ-USB原理 (2)固件开发 (3)数据采集上位机开发
2022-05-02 19:29:13 20.04MB slaveFIFO 上位机 EZ-USB