CH1 1. Describe the structure of a pattern classification system and give detailed information about each module...... CH2 2. Bayesian Classifier (a) What is the decision rule of the Bayesian classifier? (b) Which independency assumption is used for naive Bayes and how does this affect the decision rule? (c) Show the optimality of the Bayesian classifier. ......
2019-12-21 21:42:29 1.16MB 模式识别
卡耐基梅隆大学ssd8_exercise1_client_server_threadserver 自己的作业,网上虽然可以找到很多代码,但是没有详细操作图解,本文件内附有详细操作图解,可以作为作业的一个参考。
2019-12-21 21:18:55 747KB ssd8 exercise1 国软 计算机网络