弱口令1929个 常用英文单词6481个 19500101到20181231号的生日密码151212个 8位纯数字密码1亿个(包含全国所有城市8位的固定电话及所有生日密码) 使用EWSA(Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor)工具加载握手包和字典文件就可以调用CPU和GPU的资源来高速跑字典得到密码。
2021-11-11 06:14:10 2.91MB 无线网络 WPA 破解 密码
2021-11-02 17:26:06 4.2MB 压缩文件解锁
密码恢复工具软件合集20个含key,分开打包了在我的资源文件里自行查找下载,共6个文件。下载完6个文件解压就行了,工具包含了20密码破解软件。含key。 01. Advanced Archive Password Recovery (Professional Edition): 02. Advanced EFS Data Recovery (Professional Edition): 03. Advanced IM Password Recovery: 04. Advanced Intuit Password Recovery: 05. Advanced Lotus Password Recovery: 06. Advanced Mailbox Password Recovery: 07. Advanced Office Password Breaker (Enterprise Edition): 08. Advanced Office Password Recovery (Professional Edition): 09. Advanced PDF Password Recovery (Enterprise Edition): 10. Advanced Sage Password Recovery: 11. Advanced SQL Password Recovery: 12. Advanced VBA Password Recovery: 13. Advanced WordPerfect Office Password Recovery: 14. Elcomsoft Blackberry Backup Explorer (Professional Edition): 15. ElcomSoft Distributed Password Recovery (Up to 100 clients): 16. Elcomsoft Internet Password Breaker (Standard Edition): EINPB-182-Y983G-SAQMK-PI5Y3-D8SY5 17. Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker (Professional Edition): 18. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor (Professional Edition): 19. Proactive Password Auditor (100 user accounts): 、 20. Proactive System Password Recovery: 、
2021-11-02 17:16:27 48MB 密码恢复
最新Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor中文完美破解版,汉化包已经集合在里面了,进入后点击option选项 把里面的语言改为中文就可以了。
2021-10-02 19:44:41 16B Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor
ElcomSoft是一家俄罗斯软件公司,出品过不少密码破解软件,涉及Office、SQL、PDF、EFS等等。近日ElcomSoft又推出了“Wireless Security Auditor 1.0”,号称可以利用GPU的运算性能快速攻破无线网络密码,运算速度相比使用CPU可提高最多上百倍。本软件的工作方式很简单,就是利用词典去暴力破解无线AP上的WPA和WPA2密码,还支持字母大小写、数字替代、符号顺序变换、缩写、元音替换等12种变量设定,在ATI和NVIDIA显卡上均可使用。 它还通过尝试恢复对 Wi-Fi 通信进行加密的 WPA/WPA2 PSK 初始密码来帮助系统管理员实现对无线网络安全的监控。通过运用由两大显卡制造商 ATI 和 NVIDIA 提供的硬件加速技术,Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor 已逐渐成为市场上最快速且最具成本效益的 Wi-Fi 密码恢复和无线安全监控工具之一。
2021-09-05 12:26:09 1.64MB EWSA
注册码:APDFPR-P-GECC-4AYF-W6DW Elcomsoft Advanced PDF Password Recovery 5.00 Professional advanced pdf password recovery pro 5.0 apdfpr.zip 英文 官方 原版 APDFPR用来解密受密码保护的PDF文档,解密是瞬间完成的,解密后的文档可以用任何PDF查看器打开,不受任何限制,可以编辑、复制、打印等,还支持将KDF格式文件转换为PDF文档 Advanced PDF Password Recovery is a tool to decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which have Owner password set which can prevent the file from being edited, printed etc. It both the owner and master password are set, you will need at least one of them for the decryption to work. The decrypted file can be opened in any PDF viewer without any restrictions. Additional features include batch processing, Explorer right-click integration and additional conversion of Kinko`s Document Format (KDF) to PDF format. The program is simple to use, just select the PDF file and the rest is done automatically, you will be prompted to specify a new file name for the decrypted file.
2021-08-15 11:34:23 2.1MB PDF Password Recovery pro
2021-04-13 18:00:06 19.26MB window破解wifi工具
2021-02-04 22:00:14 21.44MB Office密码恢复 Office密码破解
2019-12-21 22:15:32 10.52MB ewsa 跑包 网络破解工具 EWSA
2019-12-21 20:03:19 2.09MB PDF密码破解