论文On the Efficiency of Test Suite based Program Repair(ICSE)的总结PPT,欢迎提出建议
2022-01-13 15:02:26 1.71MB 软件测试 论文(ICSE)
802.11 ax 介绍, OFDMA, MU-MIMO, WiFI-6 最新WiFI 标准 11ax 简介
2021-12-19 16:15:27 1.09MB 802.11
ABSTRACT In the last few years, power dissipation has become an important design constraint, on par with performance, in the design of new computer systems. Whereas in the past, the primary job of the computer architect was to translate improvements in operating frequency and transistor count into performance, now power efficiency must be taken into account at every step of the design process. While for some time, architects have been successful in delivering 40% to 50% annual improvement in processor performance, costs that were previously brushed aside eventually caught up. The most critical of these costs is the inexorable increase in power dissipation and power density in processors. Power dissipation issues have catalyzed new topic areas in computer architecture, resulting in a substantial body of work on more power-efficient architectures. Power dissipation coupled with diminishing performance gains, was also the main cause for the switch from single-core to multi-core architectures and a slowdown in frequency increase. This book aims to document some of the most important architectural techniques that were invented, proposed, and applied to reduce both dynamic power and static power dissipation in processors and memory hierarchies. A significant number of techniques have been proposed for a wide range of situations and this book synthesizes those techniques by focusing on their common characteristics.
2021-12-17 08:19:36 5.25MB Computer power consumption computer
目的是找到一种在Arduino Uno上实现RS485的简单方法,然后使其适应ESP8266。
2021-12-14 08:48:48 664KB data collection energy efficiency
High Efficiency Video Coding Coding Tools and Specification,
2021-11-23 19:34:52 8.9MB HEVC 视频编码
IEEE 802.11ax-2019 will replace both IEEE802.11n-2009 and IEEE 802.11ac-2013 as the next high-throughput WLAN amendment. In this article, we review the expected future WLAN scenarios and use cases that justify the push for a new PHY/MAC IEEE 802.11 amendment. After that, we overview a set of new technical features that may be included in the IEEE 802.11ax-2019 amendment, and describe both their advantages and drawbacks. Finally, we discuss some of the network-level functionalities that are required to fully improve the user experience in next-generation WLANs and note their relation with other ongoing IEEE 802.11 amendments
2021-11-09 19:01:20 199KB WIFI6
High Efficiency RF and Microwave Solid State Power Amplifiers
2021-11-08 15:12:20 20.97MB High Efficiency RF Power
High Efficiency Video Coding Hevc Algorithms and Architectures
2021-10-20 17:22:50 10.86MB h.265 HEVC
efficiency_densenet_pytorch DenseNets的PyTorch> = 1.0实现,已优化以节省GPU内存。 最近更新 现在可以在PyTorch 1.0上使用! 它使用检查点功能,使此代码更有效!!! 动机 虽然DenseNets在深度学习框架中很容易实现,但大多数实现(例如)往往需要大量内存。 特别是,通过批处理规范化和串联操作生成的中间特征图的数量随着网络深度的增加而平方增长。 值得强调的是,这不是DenseNets固有的属性,而是实现的属性。 此实现使用一种新的策略来减少DenseNets的内存消耗。 我们使用来计算Batch Norm和串联特征图。 这些中
2021-10-13 14:21:19 1.03MB deep-learning pytorch densenet DeeplearningPython
这是 H. Enzinger、K. Freiberger 和 C. Vogel 在 IEEE 电路和系统国际研讨会上发表的论文“射频功率放大器的联合线性效率模型”中提出的模型的实现(ISCAS), 2016。论文可从以下网址下载: www.researchgate.net/publication/290446251
2021-10-11 20:17:23 6KB matlab