dash-to-dock-gnome-3.30,下载后解压放入Ubuntu,输入命令make,在输入make install即可成功安装,重启Ubuntu即可
2022-03-28 20:58:12 353KB dash-to-dock-gno
2022-03-14 21:08:47 521KB delphi dock 融合
非常好的例程 设计dockpanel 多窗口 图形控制
2022-03-07 13:43:04 25.96MB C# dock 多窗口 MDI
2022-02-17 14:36:19 203KB 仿VS2010
2022-01-17 23:43:18 14.59MB cairo-dock deb
一个qt第三方库,可以实现dock窗口 KDDockWidgets is an effort by KDAB to provide an advanced docking system for Qt. Throughout the years KDAB has contributed and funded QDockWidget development. Sadly, this wasn’t without pain: each change took many days to implement and an equal amount of time to fix regressions. QDockWidget mixes GUI code with logic/state in a spaghetti manner, making it very hard to move forward. In hindsight, what caused this complexity was the combinatorial explosion of options it supports (which seem unneeded to me, as most people just want to use all the features). That, times 3 platforms, which have different nuances, times 2, since code behaves drastically different if you have animations enabled or not. KDDockWidgets was born from my need to preserve sanity after having worked in two projects that needed extensive customization. One where we tried to work directly upstream but the regression rate ended up being too much. And another one where I took the route of using private API, fake mouse events and event filters, which seemed like a good idea at first, but ended up being a world of pain. Furthermore, our customers were getting more creative with their requests, so it was clear we needed a better docking framework.
2022-01-13 18:08:56 3.26MB qt dock
2021-12-15 18:04:23 28.86MB c#
在 macOS Touch Bar 显示 Dock(程序坞)的应用图标 Pock – 在 macOS Touch Bar 显示 Dock(程序坞)的应用图标
2021-12-04 23:09:04 7.3MB mac dock touch bar
Qt MAC dock
2021-11-27 13:03:31 587KB Qt/C++/MAC/DOCK
docker in action 中文版+docker in action 英文版 资源觉对正确,希望下载者给个好评
2021-11-17 12:01:06 94.09MB docker in ac dock实战