2024-06-22 11:56:50 1.79MB 文档资料 database
SQLAPI++ is a C++ library for accessing multiple SQL databases Oracle SQL Server DB2 Sybase Informix InterBase SQLBase MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite SQL Anywhere and ODBC It uses native APIs of target DBMS so applications developed with SQLAPI++ library run swiftly and efficiently The product also provides a low level interface that allows developers to access database specific features By encapsulating a vendor"s API SQLAPI++ library acts as middleware and delivers database portability 适用于gcc 4 4 linux操作系统:RHEL CentOS 6 X">SQLAPI++ is a C++ library for accessing multiple SQL databases Oracle SQL Server DB2 Sybase Informix InterBase SQLBase MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite SQL Anywhere and ODBC It uses native APIs of target DBMS so applications developed with SQLAPI++ library run swiftly and efficiently The produc [更多]
2024-06-20 08:57:44 2.7MB sqlapi++ database
Database Desktop一个使用非常方便的数据库工具,而且可以编辑*.DB和*.val类型的数据文件,精简好用
2024-06-18 17:01:29 1.41MB
Oracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Standard/Personal Edition for Windows NT/2000/XP ,可做收藏、学习、研究。 文件: 92010NT_Disk1.zip 大小: 612802971 字节 MD5: 5AE9D6E73F15860D12B7B9BFB9860BE0 SHA1: EB887BE530F4389162F7422CF08B9E04132BDD30 CRC32: E609B5B1
2024-06-06 15:31:30 536.88MB Oracle9i
2024-06-03 16:45:18 660KB database
2024-05-23 16:19:12 844KB 文档资料 database
新华字典数据文件(mysql), 支持拼音,部首,汉字等查询
2024-04-29 23:48:09 21.38MB mysql database
用于各种稀疏表示文章的AR数据集 目前csdn的资源里大多都是AR数据集的灰度图 这里是AR数据集的彩色图像 可用于人脸识别、光照处理等 论文“PCA versus LDA" EEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence”裁剪后得到的结果 包含裁剪区域txt和裁剪后得到的图像bmp
2024-04-29 12:25:54 115.3MB ar database 稀疏表示 人脸识别
Redis-Windows-6.2.6 已发布
2024-04-03 03:27:07 11.96MB redis windows database
Symantec Database Security 3.0支持多种数据库,包括Oracle,IBM DB2和Microsoft SQL,并且整合了硬件设备管理工具,例如DellOpenManageHewlett Packard OpenView和Symantec Security Information Manager。增强的内置遵从报告范例以及新型用户界面更提高了可用性,同时性能优化也提高了交易速度。
2024-03-23 11:18:08 274KB