I wa nt to help you make your game. Everyone has a great game idea, but the path from initial idea to finished prod uct is not a clear one. There are an intimi dating number of progr amming languages, libraries, and prod uction methods. Even experienced game developers often fail to realize their vision. Without a good solid architecture, game code may become so compli cated that a de veloper drowns in the complex ity. The more complex the code, the hard er the game becomes to change or continue dev eloping. This book sho ws how to write simple , clean, reliable code by dev eloping two basi c games. These games are built using the C# progr amming language and Ope nGL. C# is a modern, high- level programmi ng language, so writing code is faster, with fewer progr amming warts to avoid. OpenGL is as close as the game indus try has to a stan dard wa y to display graph ics. Whe n the book is finis hed, you’ll have an excellent code base to develop and grow , pursuing your own ideas.
2022-04-01 20:27:33 3.91MB C# game
2021-11-04 14:00:06 19.97MB https://mp.csdn.
Mtree is a powerful tree creation tool for the Unity editor. Nominated for best Artistic Tool 2019 Unity Awards. Every game needs vegetation, and while there are numerous vegetation packs for sale on the asset store, nothing beats the usefulness of having total control over the look and performance of the assets. Mtree will not only create beautiful looking vegetation, it will streamline your workflow by removing the need of modelling, unwrapping, importing your vegetation models from another software, and doing it all over again when you need to change a small detail. With Mtree, there will be less iterations over your models, and they will be quicker. Mtree trees are made in unity, for unity, the material is right, the dimensions are right, and everything is simple. Moreover, a good mesh is not enough in order to have a believable vegetation asset, you need a good shader, a good wind displacement solution, and vertex data to feed those; Mtree will answer every one of these needs. Mtree offers an intuitive, simple, yet complete solution for crafting AAA trees in a matter of minutes. With Mtree you can: • Create a trunk of any shape. • Add branches, grow them, split stem, add more branches. • Add leafs of any shape. • Bake the ambient occlusion in the vertex data. • Control the polygon count, get the most out of the fewest triangles. • Create Branches textures from a single leaf texture with the Branch Editor. • Save your finished tree as a prefab that is convenient to use. What Mtree will do for you: • Automatically create LOD levels. • Create and assign materials to the bark and leaves of your trees. • Make branches react to the colliders of your scene. • Create and render a billboard when you save the tree as prefab. • Bake the ambient occlusion when you save the tree as prefab. • Create vertex color data that will be used to drive the wind simulation and random color variation.
2021-08-03 09:47:18 147B unity tree
Gulp 索引创建 Gulp 插件自动创建包含所有目录内容的 index.js 文件。
2021-07-13 12:19:30 5KB JavaScript
将卡片添加到 card.cdb 本指南将帮助您将新卡添加到 card.cdb 文件中。 这涵盖了卡片的所有方面,而不是卡片的实际脚本。 我编写本指南的方式将帮助您从头开始创建新卡,而不仅仅是编辑现有卡。 第 1 步:下载先决条件 您需要的第一步是下载 Sqlite Expert 个人版。 链接是 。 请注意,专业版有一个选项,您不需要那个,免费版就可以了。 第二步:打开cards.cdb 这可以通过右键单击 ygopro 文件夹中的 card.cdb 并选择打开方式... Sqlite Expert 来完成,或者首先打开 Sqlite Expert 并从内部打开它。 请注意,如果您选择后者,则需要让它搜索所有文件,因为 .cdb 不是可识别的扩展名。 第 3 步:编辑文本 你可以看到左边有2个子数据库, datas和texts 。 您需要编辑它们才能将卡添加到 ygopro。 首先,我
2021-07-04 15:03:24 8KB
SM2签名创建和验证 提供了SM2签名创建和验证的实现。 编译和链接时需要OpenSSL 1.1.1或更高版本的头文件和库文件。 OpenSSL网站是: : SM2是基于椭圆曲线的密码算法。 它在以下中国标准中定义: GB / T32918.1-2016, GB / T32918.2-2016, GB / T32918.3-2016, GB / T32918.4-2016, GM / T 0003-2012。 OpenSSL 1.1.1支持SM2签名创建和验证。 在源代码包中,“ / crypto / sm2 / sm2_sign.c”是一个很好的示例。 数字签名的创建和验证被封装在称为EVP的抽象级别中。 在某些情况下,使用EVP接口计算SM2签名并验证它有点不便。 此处给出了绕过调用OpenSSL EVP接口的实现。
2021-05-20 16:51:30 13KB 附件源码 文章源码
安装 git clone https://github.com/francosopo/music-creation-library.git 用法 对于基本用法,请以您要使用的音符量实例化“传统音阶”(相对音高)。 然后,用您创建的音阶实例化旋律,并从该音阶中选择要包括在旋律中的音符。 melody . use_note ( index , time_duration ) time_duration使用整数,单位表示四分音符。 您还必须创建所需的乐器,或使用提供的基本功能。 重要的是使用参数使用周期波来覆盖音色方法。 另外,您可以在创建乐器时以毫秒为单位指定四分音符的持续时间。 class Instrument ( AbstractInstrument ): def __init__ ( self , melody , ** kwargs ): super
2021-04-05 12:05:45 4KB Python
随着时间的推移电影色彩 愚蠢的名字掩盖了一个没用的主意。 该Python脚本通过拍摄每个x帧,计算该帧的平均颜色,并在给定颜色的输出图片上添加一条垂直线,从而将给定的视频文件转换为图片。 用法 第一个参数必须是输入视频文件,第二个参数可以是输出图像文件。 python3 main.py <input video file> 如果输出文件被遗漏,则将其放入输入文件所在的目录中。 例如, python3 main.py ~/Videos/film.mp4将导致输出文件的路径为〜/ Videos / film.mp4.png 。 这确实需要在系统上安装FFMpeg。
2021-04-03 22:05:50 2KB python video ffmpeg image-creation
Because this book begins with the basics and works up to more difficult concepts, you do not need any previous knowledge of GTK+ development to use this book. This book does assume that you have a decent grasp of the Python programming language. You should also be comfortable with running commands and terminating applications (Ctrl+C) in a Linux terminal.
2020-01-03 11:31:52 6.02MB python
Creation-Workshop 3d打印 dlp/sla3d打印切片软件 源码
2019-12-21 20:27:35 95.43MB Creation Workshop 3d 源码