数字逻辑设计及应用教学英文课件:Lec21-Chap 08 counter.ppt
2022-06-16 21:00:44 985KB 计算机 互联网 文档
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2022-05-22 10:43:34 165KB Counter单元测试
matlab程序复杂代码 coins_counter 基于Matlab和机器视觉的硬币计数系统 Coin counting system based on machine vision and Matlab 描述 用手机拍摄得到一堆硬币图片(详见coin_images文件夹内的示例图片),通过机器视觉的相关知识,统计得到各面值硬币的数量和所有硬币的总价值. 此版本不带GUI用户界面. 目录结构 coins_counter │ ├── coin_images 硬币样例图片文件夹,供测试使用 │ ├── 1.jpg 样例图片1 │ ├── 2.jpg 样例图片2 │ ├── ... ... │ └── 6.jpg 样例图片6 │ ├── process_standalone.m 可直接运行的独立代码,无用户界面 │ ├── result.png 程序运行产生的中间结果展示(实际运行时不生成此图片) │ └── README.md 说明文档 运行方式 代码编写平台:Matlab R2016a,常见Matlab版本均可运行本代码。 打开Matlab,运行process_standalone.m
2022-05-21 16:50:08 11.48MB 系统开源
角点检测代码matlab 细胞计数器 Cell Counter程序在用Alexa 488对胸腺嘧啶二聚体进行免疫细胞化学染色后,检测细胞数量并量化HeLa细胞中每个细胞的平均荧光强度。用于分析的图像通过CCD相机的落射荧光成像收集。 该程序选择背景上方的明亮区域(损坏的细胞核)。 然后,程序将量化每个单元格中的荧光强度,排除任何亮区(由于非特异性荧光团聚),将所有单元格的总荧光强度取平均值,并对存在的单元格计数。 但是,它可以适用于量化图像中明亮的大致球形区域的平均强度。 它是用Matlab编写的,至少与Matlab 2010及更高版本兼容。 参考 此代码用于分析的数据。 如何使用脚本 输入 该脚本包含几个可调参数。 图像的名称由名称字符串设置。 name = ' example.png ' ; 通过调整变量x和y选择包含损坏的单元格的图像区域,该变量与Matlab输出图1(图1A)中所示的边界框左上角的坐标相对应。 边界框的长度由xsize和ysize参数设置。 % box x = 70 ; y = 25 ; xsize = 290 ; ysize = 295 ; 同样在图1中是一个
2022-04-18 15:50:40 307KB 系统开源
-Simulink实现,用于简单的计时器和计数器- 使用 MATLAB 2013b 和 2006b 创建
2022-03-10 13:44:11 27KB matlab
Why This Book? If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. —Sun Tzu, Art of War Translation and commentary by Lionel Giles (part of Project Gutenberg) "Golly Gee!" you might be thinking. "Why write a book on hacking? You'll just encourage them to attack more!" I respect your concern, but unfortunately there are some flaws behind this logic. Let's face it—the malicious attackers have all the information they need to do all kinds of nasty things. If they don't have the information now, they can get it easily enough on the Internet through a variety of Web sites, mailing lists, and newsgroups devoted to hacking, using a variety of the Web sites we discuss in Chapter 13, The Future, References, and Conclusions. Experienced attackers often selectively share information with new attackers to get them started in the craft. Indeed, the communication channels in the computer underground among attackers are often far better than the communication among computer professionals like you and me. This book is one way to help make things more even. My purpose here is not to create an army of barbarian hackers mercilessly bent on world domination. The focus of this book is on defense, but to create an effective defense, we must understand the offensive tools used by our adversaries. By seeing how the tools truly work and understanding what they can do, not only can we better see the needs for good defenses, but also we can better understand how the defensive techniques work. This book is designed for system administrators, security personnel, and network administrators whose jobs require them to defend their systems from attack. Additionally, other curious folks who want to learn how attackers work and techniques for defending their own systems against attacks can benefit. The book includes practical recommendations for people who have to deal with the care and feeding of systems, keeping them running and keeping the bad guys out, ranging from home users to operators Chapter 1. Introduction Page 3 Return to Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Counter Hack Reloaded, Second Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses By Ed Skoudis, Tom Liston ISBN: 9780131481046 Publisher: Prentice Hall Prepared for Zhigang Wang, Safari ID: michael7736@gmail.com Print Publication Date: 2005/12/23 User number: 1659926 Copyright 2008, Safari Books Online, LLC. This PDF is exclusively for your use in accordance with the Safari Terms of Service. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior written permission for reprints and excerpts from the publisher. Redistribution or other use that violates the fair use priviledge under U.S. copyright laws (see 17 USC107) or that otherwise violates the Safari Terms of Service is strictly prohibited. of corporate and government environments. With this understanding, we can work to create an environment where effective defensive techniques are commonplace, and not the exception. As good ol' Sun Tzu said, you must understand your enemy's capabilities and your own. For each offensive technique described in this book, we'll also describe realworld defenses. You can measure your own security capabilities against these defenses to see how you stack up. Where your policies, procedures, and technologies fall short, you can implement appropriate defenses to protect against the enemy. And that's what this book is all about: Learning what the attackers do so we can defend ourselves. Why Cover These Specific Tools and Techniques? There are thousands of different computer and network attack tools available today, and tens of thousands of different exploit techniques. To address this flood of possible attacks, this book focuses on particular genres of attack tools and techniques, examining the most widely used and most damaging tools from each category. By learning in depth how to defend against the nastiest tools and techniques in each category, we will be defending against all related tools in the category. For example, there are hundreds of methods available that let an attacker hide on a machine by transforming the operating system itself, using tools called rootkits. Rather than describing each and every individual rootkit available today, we analyze in a greater level of detail some of the most powerful and widely used rootkit tools in Chapter 10, Phase 4: Maintaining Access. By learning about and properly defending against these specimens, you will go a long way in securing your systems against other related rootkit attacks. In the same way, by learning about the most powerful tools in other categories, we can design and implement the most effective defenses. How This Book Differs In recent years, several books have been released covering the topic of attackers and their techniques. Some of these books are well written and quite useful in helping readers understand how attacks work and highlighting defenses. Why add another book to the shelf addressing these topics? I'm glad you asked. This book is focused on being different in several ways, including these: • Being more like an encyclopedia instead of a dictionary. Other books in this genre cover thousands of tools, with a paragraph or page on each tool. As described in the previous section, this book focuses on understanding each category of tool in much more depth. Therefore, whereas other books act like fantastic dictionaries of attack tools and defenses, this book aims to be more of an encyclopedia, describing the attack process in more detail and providing the overall architecture of attacks. By covering each category of attack tool and the overall attack architecture in more detail, we can better understand the appropriate defenses. But, the book isn't designed to be just an encyclopedia. We don't want this book to be merely a giant tome on your shelf Chapter 1. Introduction Page 4 Return to Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Counter Hack Reloaded, Second Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses By Ed Skoudis, Tom Liston ISBN: 9780131481046 Publisher: Prentice Hall Prepared for Zhigang Wang, Safari ID: michael7736@gmail.com Print Publication Date: 2005/12/23 User number: 1659926 Copyright 2008, Safari Books Online, LLC. This PDF is exclusively for your use in accordance with the Safari Terms of Service. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior written permission for reprints and excerpts from the publisher. Redistribution or other use that violates the fair use priviledge under U.S. copyright laws (see 17 USC107) or that otherwise violates the Safari Terms of Service is strictly prohibited. gathering dust, occasionally used as a reference. Instead, we aim to provide the material in an interesting and educational manner, helping bring readers up to speed with the myriad of attacks we face and real-world methods for handling them in an effective manner. • Presenting a phased view of attacks. Other books present a view of how attackers gain access to systems, focusing on the penetration portion of an attack. Although gaining access is an incredibly important element of most attacks, our adversaries do much more than simply gain access. Once access is gained, most attackers manipulate the system to maintain access and work hard to cover their tracks. This book covers the attack sequence end-to-end by presenting a phased approach to attacking, so we can cover defenses at each stage of a siege. Most attacks follow a general outline that includes reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and covering the tracks. This book describes each phase in detail. • Covering scenarios for how the tools are used together. The tools used by attackers are a little like building blocks; each one fills a specific (but limited) purpose. Only by seeing how attackers build complete attacks out of the little blocks can we understand how to best defend ourselves. Sophisticated attackers take individual building blocks of tools and combine them in creative ways to devise very elegant attacks. This book describes how the tools are used together with its phased view of an attack. Additionally, Chapter 12, Putting It All Together: Anatomy of an Attack, presents several scenarios describing how these tools are used together in the wild to undermine systems. • Using analogies to illustrate the underlying computer concepts. Throughout the book, I have used analogies to highlight how various technologies work. Although some of the analogies are certainly cheesy, I hope they make the material more interesting and accessible to readers.
2022-03-06 10:54:02 7.23MB hack blackhats penitrationtest