A key determinant of overall system performance and power dissipation is the cache hierarchy since access to off-chip memory consumes many more cycles and energy than on-chip accesses. In addition, multi-core processors are expected to place ever higher bandwidth demands on the memory system. All these issues make it important to avoid off-chip memory access by improving the efficiency of the on-chip cache. Future multi-core processors will have many large cache banks connected by a network and shared by many cores. Hence, many important problems must be solved: cache resources must be allocated across many cores, data must be placed in cache banks that are near the accessing core, and the most important data must be identified for retention. Finally, difficulties in scaling existing technologies require adapting to and exploiting new technology constraints. The book attempts a synthesis of recent cache research that has focused on innovations for multi-core processors. It is an excellent starting point for early-stage graduate students, researchers, practitioners who wish to understand the landscape of recent cache research. The book is suitable as a reference for advanced computer architecture classes as well as for experienced researchers and VLSI engineers.
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2021-05-26 11:42:48 13.23MB 内存内计算 In-memory comput 人工智能
内容为为中文影印版,还算比较清楚; 资源来自于CSDN,为了方便使用,添加了完整书签;
2021-04-26 16:25:58 47.53MB Comput
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云计算推荐图书:《Mastering Cloud Computing 2013》
2020-02-04 03:15:39 21.27MB Cloud Comput
Due to the vendor-neutral basis of this book, it does not contain any significant coverage of cloud computing vendor products, services, or technologies. This book is complementary to other titles that provide productspecific coverage and to vendor product literature itself. If you are new to the commercial cloud computing landscape, you are encouraged to use this book as a starting point before proceeding to books and courses that are proprietary to vendor product lines.
2019-12-21 21:58:43 17.21MB Cloud Comput
Now, this is real simple. It’s a website where you can compare and purchase affordable health insurance plans, side-by-side, the same way you shop for a plane ticket on Kayak or the same way you shop for a TV on Amazon...Starting on Tuesday, every American can visit HealthCare.gov to find out what’s
2019-12-21 21:58:43 10.95MB Cloud Comput SAAS