游戏bots 开发方面的图书,网上找到的,最近玩暗黑2重置版,我游戏Bots开发的兴趣又上来了。
2022-06-29 09:13:20 6.87MB bots gamehacking 游戏
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots,中文清晰版,经典的机器人学习书籍
2022-05-05 10:51:32 312B robotics autonomous
Path Planning Algorithms for Autonomous Mobile Robots.pdf,这是一份不错
2022-04-29 13:00:59 23.59MB 文档资料 文档
带有多个用于自动驾驶的传感器的欧盟长期数据集 ,, 和 问题 雷达数据: 通过GPS-RTK提供车辆位置地面实况: , 数据集 基准线 我们分叉了以下最新方法的实现,并使用我们的数据集进行了试验(稍有更改): 姿势估计: : 激光雷达里程计: https : // 激光雷达里程计: https : // 待续 ... 非常欢迎所有用户提交结果。 GPS / RTK记录的地面真实轨迹 hector_pose_estimation(姿势估计) 怎么玩 roslaunch utbm_pose_estimation.launch bag:=path_to_your_rosbag utbm_pose_estimati
2022-04-26 15:25:07 71.53MB ros dataset autonomous-driving utbm
ad-xolib(C ++和Python中的OpenScenario和OpenDrive解析器) C ++库,用于使用Python绑定为3. +解析OpenScenario(1.0.0)和OpenDrive格式文件(1.6) 介绍 该存储库提供了一个用于读取ASAM的OpenStandards OpenScenario和OpenDrive数据文件的库,其解析符合 执照 该软件库是根据MIT开源许可证提供的: : 。 灵感 入门 该项目使用启用了c ++ 11的编译器进行编译,请相应地选择您的堆栈。 **与GCC相关的错误已解决。 从源构建 git clone git submodule update --init --recursive mkdir build cd build cmake .
2022-03-30 09:54:31 861KB cxx simulation python3 autonomous-driving
超快速通道检测 PyTorch实施的论文“”。 更新:我们的论文已被ECCV2020接受。 评估代码是从改性和。 Caffe模型和原型可以在找到。 演示版 安装 请参阅 开始吧 首先,请根据您的环境在configs/culane.py或configs/tusimple.py配置中修改data_root和log_path 。 data_root是您的CULane数据集或Tusimple数据集的路径。 log_path是tensorboard日志,训练有素的模型和代码备份的存储位置。它应该放置在该项目之外。 对于单GPU训练,运行 python configs/path_to_your_config 对于多GPU训练,请运行 sh 或者 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_n
2022-03-20 10:49:55 152KB cnn pytorch lane-finding autonomous-driving
Falcone Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicles.rar
2022-03-19 15:01:52 2.97MB Falcone
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots,中文清晰版,经典的机器人学习书籍
2022-03-08 11:26:13 540B robotics autonomous
Wheeled Mobile Robotics: From Fundamentals Towards Autonomous Systemscovers the main topics from the wide area of mobile robotics, explaining all applied theory and application. The book gives the reader a good foundation, enabling them to continue to more advanced topics. Several examples are included for better understanding, many of them accompanied by short MATLAB® script code making it easy to reuse in practical work. The book includes several examples of discussed methods and projects for wheeled mobile robots and some advanced methods for their control and localization. It is an ideal resource for those seeking an understanding of robotics, mechanics, and control, and for engineers and researchers in industrial and other specialized research institutions in the field of wheeled mobile robotics. Beginners with basic math knowledge will benefit from the examples, and engineers with an understanding of basic system theory and control will find it easy to follow the more demanding fundamental parts and advanced methods explained.
2022-02-13 18:38:28 14.85MB 机器人 matlab