Delve into the Broadcom VideoCore GPU used on the Raspberry Pi and master topics such as OpenGL ES and OpenMAX. Along the way, you’ll also learn some Dispmanx, OpenVG, and GPGPU programming. The author, Jan Newmarch bumped into a need to do this kind of programming while trying to turn the RPi into a karaoke machine: with the CPU busting its gut rendering MIDI files, there was nothing left for showing images such as karaoke lyrics except for the GPU, and nothing really to tell him how to do it. Raspberry Pi GPU Audio Video Programming scratches his itch and since he had to learn a lot about RPi GPU programming, he might as well share it with you. What started as a side issue turned into a full-blown project of its own; and this stuff is hard. What You'll Learn Use Dispmanx and EGL on Raspberry Pi Work with OpenMAX and its components, state, IL Client Library, * * Buffers, and more on RPi Process images and video on RPi Handle audio on RPi Render OpenMAX to OpenGL on the RPi Play multimedia files on the RPi Use OpenVG for text processing and more Master overlays Who This Book Is For You should be comfortable with C programming and at least some concurrency and thread programming using it. This book is for experienced programmers who are new or learning about Raspberry Pi. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to the Raspberry Pi Chapter 2: Khronos Group Chapter 3: Compiling Programs for the Raspberry Pi Chapter 4: Dispmanx on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 5: EGL on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 6: OpenGL ES on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 7: OpenMAX on the Raspberry Pi Concepts Chapter 8: OpenMAX Components on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 9: OpenMAX on the Raspberry Pi State Chapter 10: OpenMAX IL Client Library on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 11: OpenMAX Buffers on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 12: Image Processing on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 13: OpenMAX Video Processing on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 14: OpenMAX Audio on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 15: Rendering OpenMAX to OpenGL on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 16: Playing Multimedia Files on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 17: Basic OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 18: Text Processing in OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 19: Overlays on the Raspberry Pi
2023-12-21 12:01:36 3.71MB Raspberry GPU Programming
unity游戏音频可视化插件 Audio Visualizer v2.4.unitypackage
2023-12-06 14:31:30 141B Audio 音频可视化插
2023-11-24 10:42:00 2.49MB audio
SincNet SincNet是用于处理原始音频样本的神经体系结构。 这是一种新颖的卷积神经网络(CNN),它鼓励第一个卷积层发现更多有意义的滤波器。 SincNet基于参数化的Sinc函数,这些函数实现了带通滤波器。 与学习每个滤波器的所有元素的标准CNN相比,所提出的方法只能从数据中直接学习低和高截止频率。 这提供了一种非常紧凑而有效的方式来导出专门针对所需应用进行了调整的定制滤波器组。 该项目发布了一系列代码和实用程序,可通过SincNet进行说话人识别。 使用TIMIT数据库提供了说话人识别的示例。 如果您对应用于语音识别的SincNet感兴趣,可以查看PyTorch-Kaldi
2023-11-23 13:09:20 173KB audio python deep-learning signal-processing
这个驱动很稳定 也很好用,支持WIN7 XP 系统
2023-11-10 21:16:21 11.77MB
》》问题:Win10系统常见问题,主机前面板耳机插孔没有声音,只有后面有声音,并且系统中声音和设备中找不到Realtek高清晰音频管理器,无法设置。 》》网上的解决方案:基本都是基于找到“Realtek高清晰音频管理器”来设置,但是多数人都找不到Realtek高清晰音频管理器,并且安装realtek hd audio driver失败。 》》一招解决: win10中没有realtek hd audio driver并且安装不上,要使用Realtek audio consloe 下载提供的安装包(亲测可用),双击打开,选中Realtek audio consloe 安装,安装完成后打开Realtek audio consloe ,左下角“设备高级设置”-》“禁用前面板插孔检测”开关打开-》前面板“耳机、麦克风”选择设置一下就可以了。 在网上搜索了N多种答案都没解决,自己找的安装包,解决了。试试吧
用IIC调节音量, PT2259的驱动程序,可准确实现PT2259芯片的控制。 #ifndef Audio_2259_H__ #define Audio_2259_H__ //************************************************************** #include "delay.h" #include "sys.h" #if (defined ALL_MASTER_FILE)||(defined Audio_2259_MASTER_FILE) //是从主要文件包含的。 #define Audio_2259_EXT #else //不是主要文件包含的,只声明。 #define Audio_2259_EXT extern #endif //*****************音频相关端口定义 *********************** #define Audio_2259_SDA_OUT PCout(2) //数据输出 #define Audio_2259_SDA_IN PCin(2) //数据输入 #define Audio_2259_SCL PCout(1) //时钟 #define Audio_2259_SCL_Delay0() /*(SDA变化前SCL保持时间)以“_nop_();”的个数或其它方式设置SCL时序*/\ {\ delay_ms(1);\ }// #define Audio_2259_SCL_Delay1() /*(SDA变化后SCL保持时间)以“_nop_();”的个数或其它方式设置SCL时序*/\ {\ delay_ms(1);\ }// #define Audio_2259_SCL_Delay2() /*(操作有效后SCL保持时间)以“_nop_();”的个数或其它方式设置SCL时序*/\ {\ delay_ms(1);\ }// //------------设置芯片最大衰减值---------- #define Audio_2259_AttenuationValue_Max 79 //根据芯片特性设置(见说明书) //============================================================== //头文件可选配置项 //--------------------------------------------------------------可选配置项,请慎重选择 #define Audio_2259_ClearRegister_EN 1 // #define Audio_2259_OverallSet_EN 1 // //-------------------------------------------------------------- //头文件无需更改项 //############################################################## //常量 //定义函数原型 void Audio_2259_WriteStart(void); void Audio_2259_WriteEnd(void); u8 Audio_2259_WriteData(uchar Sdata); void GPIO_2259_Init(void); u8 Audio_2259_ClearRegister(uchar Adr); u8 Audio_2259_Mute_Overall(uchar Adr,uchar NNN); u8 Audio_2259_AttenuationValue_Overall(uchar Adr,uchar dB); void Audio_2259_IIC_Init(void); u8 Audio_2259_Mute_R(uchar Adr,uchar NNN); u8 Audio_2259_AttenuationValue_R(uchar Adr,uchar dB); u8 Audio_2259_Mute_L(uchar Adr,uchar NNN); u8 Audio_2259_AttenuationValue_L(uchar Adr,uchar dB); void SetOutVOL(uchar VOL); void SetInVOL(uchar VOL); //############################################################## //后面是编写过程备注 /* */ #endif //
2023-10-28 22:18:47 9KB PT2259
CSCore-.NET音频库 CSCore是一个完全用C#编写的免费.NET音频库。 尽管它仍然是一个相当年轻的项目,但它提供了许多功能,例如播放或捕获音频,对许多不同的编解码器,效果进行编码或解码等等! CSCore基于一个非常可扩展的体系结构,它使您无需花费大量精力即可使其满足您的需求。 您可以建立音乐播放器,语音聊天,录音机等! 支持的平台:仅Windows,Linux和Mac实验性平台(请参阅 )。 有关更多详细信息,请查看源代码或。 随意下载或克隆源代码: 您可能更喜欢安装: Install-Pack
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