软件原名:APNG Assembler 汉化名称:APNG编译器 软件介绍: APNG Assembler creates APNG animation from PNG/TGA image sequence. A number of optimization techniques used to make APNG files as small as possible: inter-frame optimization utilizing alpha-blend and dispose operations, smaller than the full-size subframes, dirty transparency, color type and palette optimizations, and various compression options: zlib, 7zip, Zopfli. 简单来说,这个就是用来生成APNG格式的动图的程序。 APNG文件,全称“Animated Portable Network Graphics”,是一个基于PNG的位图动画格式。这种格式的文件是比GIF文件更小、更清晰的动图文件,它克服了GIF文件色深不足、体积大、不支持Alpha通道的缺点,是新一代的动图格式文件。 界面展示:
2021-08-08 17:02:27 178KB 编译器
apng工具 APNG Assembler is an easy-to-use tool to make Animated PNG from PNG/TGA image sequence. Creates highly optimized APNG files, uses lots of tricks to make them as small as possible. Support zlib, 7zip, Zopfli compression options. GUI version for Windows, CLI versions available for all major OSes. There is also an online version.
2021-05-12 13:53:53 206KB APNG Assembler
macos 高清png系统图标,165个。非常漂亮的macos 高清png系统图标,值得收藏慢慢欣赏,禁止用于商业用途。
2021-05-08 10:13:03 45.13MB macos apng 图标设计
2021-03-20 14:00:57 2.8MB c++ ppm apng
视频转apng和gif的工具 相关命令:ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -ss 0:0:2 -to 0:0:3 -s 320x240 output_%d.png ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -ss 0:0:2 -to 0:0:3 -s 320x240 test.gif
2021-01-28 04:46:27 13.85MB apng
2021-01-28 02:06:13 62KB apng