VideoProcessor VideoProcessor使用Android原生的MediaCodec实现视频压缩、剪辑、混音、快慢放及倒流的功能(快慢放及倒流支持音频同步变化),在支持MediaCodec的手机上优于使用FFmpeg的方案 体积小 :编译后的aar只有262K,ffmpeg一个so就7、8M,精简之后也差不多还有一半大小 速度快 :在huaweiP9上压缩(1080P 20s 20000k -> 720p 2000k) lib 耗时 VideoProcessor 13.3s ffmpeg 172s ffmpeg(ultrafast) 74s Gradle 在根目录下的build.gradle里添加maven仓库 allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } } 添加依赖 要求minSdkVersion 21 dependencies {
2023-04-06 17:38:42 3.52MB Android代码
2023-04-01 02:26:19 727KB android
OONI Probe Android OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference. Click here to report a bug Other supported platforms: iOS, Desktop, CLI Developer information This application requires Android Studio. We use gradle and, as part of the initial gradle sync, Android studio will download all the required dependencies. The most important dependency is measurement-kit which is fetched from our Bintray jcenter rep
2023-03-17 09:30:32 7.6MB Android代码
RectangleDetection Using OpenCV 2411 and RxJava implement a rectangle detection Android App Note: minSdkVersion 14 Portrait only Algorithm is incorrect to draw a rectangle with four-point Screenshot
2023-03-08 14:23:59 25.48MB Android代码
UrlHttpUtils 最简单的UrlHttpUtils封装,CallBack方法执行在UI线程。支持get请求,post请求,支持文件上传和下载。 使用方法: 代码很简单,只有五个Java文件,建议下载后将Java文件拷贝到工程中使用。 封装的功能有: 一般的get请求 一般的post请求 上传单个文件(包含进度) 上传list集合文件 上传map集合文件 文件下载(包含进度) 图片下载(实现了图片的压缩) 使用示例 GET请求 String url = ""; UrlHttpUtil.get(url, new CallBackUtil.CallBackString() { @Override public void onFailure(int code, String errorMessage) { } @Override public void onResponse(String response) { } }); POST请求 String url = "https://www.
2023-03-07 00:31:48 147KB Android代码
AndroidSerialPort 安卓串口相关操作 测试 需要自己开发板,现在一般手机都没有预留串口 该程序固定了串口为 /dev/ttyAMA0,自己可看源码更改 或者看另一个项目: 来源 Android串口操作,简化android-serialport-api的demo(附源码) 我把文中的源码导入 android studio 源码来自谷歌:android-serialport-api 涉及到的 jni 开发可以参考:【Android 应用开发】Android 开发 之 JNI入门 - NDK从入门到精通 jni 开发遇到的坑:
2023-02-23 15:23:14 85KB Android代码
2023-02-20 15:20:41 2.03MB android
2023-02-18 17:59:42 834KB 拍照上传录像监控录屏
CommonAdapter CommonAdapter can used for ListView and GridView.CommonAdapter' is based on BaseAdapter 在android的编程过程中,经常出现各种LiView的布局或者GridView之类的布局吗,这些布局都需要一个适配器,Adapetr的编程中,比如ViewHolder和convertView的编写会带来大量重复的代码,这个项目打造了一个万能适配器,可以直接拿来引用~ 关于如何使用: 有一篇博客讲的很清楚:
2023-02-09 11:25:08 64KB Android代码
Space Station Tracker Introduction An Android application that keeps track of the International Space Station and notifies you if it's determined to pass by your location in the future (~hour). Given a clear sky, you should be able to see the station without any types of equipment. So keep an eye for it. :) Not counting minor features and helper classes, the app is mostly present through these four activities and their respective java files. MapsActivity Locations PeopleinSpace Preferences
2023-02-01 12:18:28 11.76MB Android代码