英文不好的条友福音,中文版PA网关配置操作指南。 请速速下载保存!!!绝对第一手的官方配置资料,价值千金!
2021-04-05 23:02:53 5.07MB PA配置手册
设置基本安全策略 > 访问网络流量 > 启用基本 WildFire 转发 > 控制 Web 内容访问 > 启用 AutoFocus 威胁情报 > 完成防火墙部署的最佳做法
2021-04-05 22:29:42 29.53MB PaloAlto 中文教程 中文教程
Palo alto Administrator Guid 管理员指南中文版,新手管理员手册中文版。
2021-04-05 22:22:41 16.49MB palo alto Pa
Paloalto PCNSE 题库 Palo-Alto-Networks-PCNSE
2021-04-01 18:11:24 1.71MB PaloaltoPCNSE
获得Palo alto Networks ACE Certification资格认证工程师,可以让您增加求职砝码,获得与自身技术水平相符的技术岗位,轻松跨入IT白领阶层拿取高薪。 Passing the ACE exam indicates that you possess the basic knowledge to successfully configure Palo Alto Networks firewalls using PAN-OS. The exam also serves as a study aid to prepare for PCNSE certification. Exam Format The ACE exam is web-based and consists of 40-50 multiple-choice questions. The exam is not timed, and you can retake it as many times as necessary to earn a passing score.
2019-12-21 19:35:59 17.43MB 防火墙 认证
palo alto防火墙基础配置手册,对于入门的兄弟有很大的帮助
2019-12-21 19:23:24 14.42MB palo alto