vAlgorithms Data Structures=Programs.Algorithms Data Structures=Programs.Algorithms Data Structures=Programs.
2023-11-04 19:19:44 1.18MB c.语言
Python Algorithms - Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language
2023-10-26 22:50:00 2.56MB python
2023-10-26 22:49:28 4.95MB Python Algorithms
机器学习的信息理论基础。 我移除了里面添加的链接等信息,可以直接打印成很干净的书。
2023-10-22 09:31:11 19MB Learning Algorithms
2023-10-18 23:22:45 3.19MB data structures and algorithms
This textbook explains the concepts and techniques required to write programs that can handle large amounts of data efficiently. Project-oriented and classroom-tested, the book presents a number of important algorithms supported by examples that bring meaning to the problems faced by computer programmers. The idea of computational complexity is also introduced, demonstrating what can and cannot be computed efficiently so that the programmer can make informed judgements about the algorithms they use. Features: includes both introductory and advanced data structures and algorithms topics, with suggested chapter sequences for those respective courses provided in the preface; provides learning goals, review questions and programming exercises in each chapter, as well as numerous illustrative examples; offers downloadable programs and supplementary files at an associated website, with instructor materials available from the author; presents a primer on Python for those from a different language background. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Python Programming 101 Chapter 2 Computational Complexity Chapter 3 Recursion Chapter 4 Sequences Chapter 5 Sets and Maps Chapter 6 Trees Chapter 7 Graphs Chapter 8 Membership Structures Chapter 9 Heaps Chapter 10 Balanced Binary Search Trees Chapter 11 B-Trees Chapter 12 Heuristic Search Appendix A: Integer Operators Appendix B: Float Operators Appendix C: String Operators and Methods Appendix D: List Operators and Methods Appendix E: Dictionary Operators and Methods Appendix F: Turtle Methods Appendix H: Complete Programs
2023-10-18 23:12:32 12.82MB "Data Structures" Algorithms Python
Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy 5th
2023-10-18 23:11:41 32.76MB Data Structures and Algorithms
机器人大牛Peter Corke的经典之作,内容涵盖机器人学(工业机器人,移动机器人,飞行器等等),机器视觉,机器人控制和算法。同时还有matlab机器人工具箱和机器视觉工具箱的实例代码,是一本全面而详细研究机器人方向的入门书籍。
2023-09-06 15:25:23 3.5MB 机器人 机器视觉 机器人控制
Convex Optimization Algorithms, understand convex optimization algorithms, this is good chances
2023-06-05 21:08:06 139.03MB convex