s110_nrf51_8.0.0 The main features of this release are the ability to set the size of the GATT Server Attribute Table when initializing the BLE stack, the possibility for the application to be notified when the SoftDevice receives scan requests, and the ability to disable RF channels for advertising. Changes to CPU availability during radio events, DC/DC converter configuration, and PPI channel allocations have been made to take advantage of the nRF51 series IC revision 3. The BLE API has been aligned to that of the S120 SoftDevice. Notes: This is a major release which has changed the Application Programmer Interface (API), requiring applications to be recompiled. This SoftDevice version is not Production tested on all IC revisions, and is not compatible with nRF51 IC revision 1. Users of the SoftDevice must verify the compatibility of their SoftDevice/IC combination for development and for production. Compatibility information is found in the nRF51 Series Compatibility Matrix, which can be downloaded from the Nordic Semiconductor web page. SoftDevice properties The SoftDevice Specification corresponding to this release is the S110 SoftDevice Specification v2.0. This version of the SoftDevice contains the Master Boot Record (MBR) version 1.0.1. The combined MBR and SoftDevice memory requirements for this version are as follows: Flash: 96 kB (0x18000 bytes). RAM: 8 kB (0x2000 bytes) (default value - dependent upon configured size of the GATT Server Attribute Table). New functionality SoftDevice The application can now configure the amount of memory reserved for the GATT Server Attribute Table when initializing the BLE stack (DRGN-3744). Configuration is optional. By default, the RAM reserved for the Attribute Table will be 0x700 bytes. This is the same default allocation as in the S110 v7.1.0. GAP The application can now configure the SoftDevice to deliver events when scan request packets are received (DRGN-2880, NRFFOETT-281). The application can now selectively disable RF channels used for advertising (DRGN-2598, NRFFOETT-179).
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