VITA46美国国家标准学习-V0_1.pdf VITA46美国国家标准学习-V0_1.pdf
2021-08-09 10:34:38 5.23MB ANSI-VITA
ANSI/VITA 46.7 Ethernet on VPX Fabric Connector Abstract The objectives of this standard are to assign backplane Ethernet links to the VPX P1/J1 connector and to provide rules and recommendations for the use of Ethernet over backplane media.
2021-07-16 09:16:09 574KB VITA46.7
ANSI-VITA 46.0 2007老版本的的英文版本的中文翻译版本,含目录,通过谷歌翻译进行文字翻译,翻译的不是很专业,对初学者理解VPX接口及协议有一定的帮助,后续会对翻译进行改进。
2021-07-09 15:33:23 2.15MB VITA46.0 VPX
ANSIVITA 46.0-2007
2021-06-23 17:03:26 2.59MB VPX ANSI VITA VITA46
VITA46.4,VPX与PCIE协议互联,讲解PCIE X4.X8.X16等与VPX协议问题。
2021-06-14 21:30:59 82KB VITA46.4 PCIE VPX
2021-05-17 13:41:36 15.74MB VPX VITA46
全套vita46文档,包括后插板,共26份文档,VITA46.0,VITA46.1,VITA46.3,VITA46.4,VITA46.6,VITA47.0,VITA46.9,VITA46.10,VITA46.11,VITA46-48-42,后插板ANSI_VITA 46.10_RTM.pdf,VITA46.10-支持Rear+Transition+Module.pdf等等
2021-05-11 17:54:46 76.17MB VITA46 VPX
VITA46.10 RTM ,关于VPX RTM 背板后连接技术。
2021-05-06 21:02:55 8.68MB VPX VITA46 RTM 背板后连接
VPX 连接器资料 This specification covers the requirements for application of MULTIGIG RT 2, RT 2-R, and RT 3 connectors used to interconnect printed circuit (pc) boards. RT 2 and RT 2-R connectors are compliant to the VITA 46 standard for VPX architecture, and TE supports other custom and non-standard MULTIGIG variations. RT 3 is interface compatible with RT 2 and RT 2-R, but utilizes different board footprints with smaller compliant pins and plated thru holes to achieve 16 to 25 Gbps data rates. The connectors consist of end-to-end stackable modules, available in vertical receptacles (backplane application) and right-angle plugs (daughtercard application). Half and full-size connector modules are used within slots of a backplane/plug-in card application. The VITA 46 standard defines connector requirements and OpenVPX standard slot configurations are defined in VITA 65.0 and 65.1.
2021-05-06 21:02:54 1.83MB VITA46 VPX RT2 连接器
VPX行业标准 VITA46 高速设计必备规范!欢迎下载交流!共同提高!
2021-03-29 21:11:11 6.55MB VPX VITA46