面兜兜拼多多上货助手可一键搬家淘宝、天猫、1688、蘑菇街等17大平台的商品到拼多多,自动修图,自动匹配分类,关键词搜索采集,让您上新无忧!还有整店复制、区间价、同步库存、批量上下架、导入货源表等众多超强功能! 最新版V9.2.7 ,更新内容如下: 1.店铺管理中搜索店铺功能优化,搜索后可以定位到搜索结果处 2.功能设置新增了采集京东链接时拼团价(折扣价)作为团购价
Enhance Your Delphi Application with Drop-in Shell Functionality •Includes 18 visual and non-visual components •Create Explorer-like applications within minutes with JamShellTree, the JamShellList and the JamShellCombo •Easy drop-in: Just drop the UI components right on your own forms or dialogs •Use checkboxes with JamShellTree, JamShellList, JamFileList and JamDriveList Icons and thumbnails are queried in background threads. This optimizes the reactivity and does not slow down the speed of the user interface. Look-and-Feel of the Windows Explorer •Windows Shell context menu (can be extended with a Delphi popmenu) •OLE drag-and-drop with the Windows Explorer and similar applications •Different view styles: The JamShellList and the JamFileList support small icons, large icons, extra large icons, details mode and thumbnails •Overlay icons supported •Installed Shell extensions, which are supported by the Windows Explorer, are also supported by the ShellBrowser Delphi Edition •TJamSystemShellView instances the right pane of the real Windows Explorer •Background context menu in the JamShelllist is supported How-to Guides •Comprehensive documentation of the included controls •Several sample projects for basic and advanced features of ShellBrowser Delphi Edition included Transparent Costs •The ShellBrowser Delphi Edition is royalty free and involves no runtime fees 100% Delphi Code•The controls are based on the Delphi VCL and are written in 100% Object Pascal code •No additional DLLs or ActiveX controls are necessary
2024-05-24 14:33:01 23.16MB
HTTP DebuggervPro v9.03汉化破解版,附带注册机。HTTP Debugger 是为网站开发者设计的调试工具,可以对客户端浏览器和网站服务器 之间所有的HTTP通信信息进行捕获、分析和调试。
2024-05-21 16:13:16 14.07MB
PHPCMS V9 修改flash上传为H5上传方案,PHPCMS系统swfupload上传控件更换为基于html5的webuploader组件,Phpcms的上传模块是使用swfupload上传插件,具体写法是在控制器phpcms/modoules/attachemet/attachemts.php文件里面,需要浏览器对swfupload上传控件的支持,于是必须下来Flashplayer,并在浏览器中开启。 目前Chrome号称2021年就不在默认开启Flash,Adobe公司也要放弃对Flash的支持,看来得更换了,大家需要将Flash上传改成H5上传:Phpcms v9管理后台附件/图片H5上传组件
2024-04-17 16:43:20 191KB phpcms
海能达DMR PD-MD-RD 系列写频软件
2024-04-05 16:50:20 191.32MB
智睿学校网站系统定位教育网行开发的系统,网站首页 学校概况 校园新闻 德育教学 校园风彩 资源下载 求贤纳士 成绩查询 网上报名 联系我们 会员中心 校园信箱,教师档案系统等学校
2024-03-27 09:14:50 3.32MB 智睿学校网站管理系统
TAP Windows适配器V9:当安装软件或登录时,遇到TAP驱动未安装或已损坏的提示时,检查是否安装 TAP Windows适配器V9。 检查方法: 1.按 Windows + R 一起启动运行窗口。 2.输入命令 devmgmt.msc 进入盒子。 击中 Enter 现在。 这将打开 设备管理器。 3.点击网络适配器,查看是否存在TAP Windows适配器V9,存在说明TAP Windows适配器V9已损坏,需要卸载后重新安装,如果不存在则需要安装TAP Windows适配器V9。
2024-03-21 14:46:23 305KB windows TAP驱动 网络适配器