5.8 等高图/等高线 等高图(Contour Plot)和等高线(Contour Line)表面上看起来是二 维形式,但实际上展示的是三维数据。我们知道,三维图形往往比二维图 形看起来更具有吸引力,然而在平面上展示三维图形也有其缺陷,最主要 的就是视角问题,一幅三维图形可以有无数种视角,正视、侧视、俯视可 能都会看到不同的信息,而且各种角度下可能都有一部分数据被前面的数 据挡住而不能被看到,当然这些问题都可以通过更灵活的图形设备克服, 如rgl包(Adler and Murdoch, 2010),但是,在更多的情况下,我们的图形
2024-01-31 15:39:09 5.27MB R语言
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Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ 第二版 Bjarne Stroustrup epub版
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Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB,最新第四版 2022年
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使用Yocto项目进行嵌入式Linux开发-第二版 这是发行的进行的代码库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 Yocto Project被证明是创建可靠的嵌入式Linux项目的最佳集成框架。 它具有诸如缩短开发时间,提高可靠性和健壮性等功能,因此具有优于其他框架的优势。 使用Yocto Project进行嵌入式Linux开发首先是对所有Yocto Project工具的深入说明,以帮助您执行不同的基于Linux的任务。 然后,本书继续深入介绍Poky和BitBake。 它还包括使用嵌入式Linux可用的Yocto Project工具构建Linux子系统项目的一些实际用例。 本书还涵盖了SDK,recipetool等主题。 到本书结尾,您将学习如何为实际的硬件板生成和运行映像,并获得使用Yocto Project构建高效Linux系统的动手经验。 说明和导航
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ethod while keeping a balanced approach between its mathematical formulation, programming implementation and as its application using commercial software. The computer implementation is carried out using MATLAB, while the practical applications are carried out in both MATLAB and Abaqus. MATLAB is a high-level language specially designed for dealing with matrices, making it particularly suited for programming the finite element method. In addition, it also allows the reader to focus on the finite element method by alleviating the programming burden. Experience has shown that books that include programming examples that can be implemented are of benefit to beginners. This book also includes detailed step-by-step procedures for solving problems with Abaqus interactive and keyword editions.
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Although I wrote the first edition of this book more than 25 years ago, my goals for it remain the same. I want students to receive a solid intro- duction to the traditional topics. I want readers to come away with the view that abstract algebra is a contemporary subject—that its concepts and methodologies are being used by working mathematicians, com- puter scientists, physicists, and chemists. I want students to see the connections between abstract algebra and number theory and geom- etry. I want students to be able to do computations and to write proofs. I want students to enjoy reading the book. And I want to convey to the reader my enthusiasm for this beautiful subject.
2023-12-12 21:25:07 496KB