2021-09-10 11:04:25 2KB unity android 自启动
蓝牙( Bluetooth® ):是一种无线技术标准,可实现固定设备、移动设备和楼宇个人域网之间的短距离数据交换(使用2.4—2.485GHz的ISM波段的UHF无线电波)。蓝牙技术最初由电信巨头爱立信公司于1994年创制,当时是作为RS232数据线的替代方案。蓝牙可连接多个设备,克服了数据同步的难题。 MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface)乐器数字接口 ,是20 世纪80 年代初为解决电声乐器之间的通信问题而提出的。MIDI是编曲界最广泛的音乐标准格式,可称为“计算机能理解的乐谱”。它用音符的数字控制信号来记录音乐。一首完整的MIDI音乐只有几十KB大,而能包含数十条音乐轨道。几乎所有的现代音乐都是用MIDI加上音色库来制作合成的。MIDI 传输的不是声音信号, 而是音符、控制参数等指令, 它指示MIDI 设备要做什么,怎么做, 如演奏哪个音符、多大音量等。它们被统一表示成MIDI 消息(MIDI Message) 。传输时采用异步串行通信, 标准通信波特率为31.25×( 1±0.01) KBaud。
2021-09-09 09:35:10 4KB bluetooth midi android java
Unity打包看日志 ;Unity打包看日志 支持android,ios;支持android,ios 包含帧率等性能数据,使用简单;包含帧率等性能数据,使用简单
I18N.dll unity打包错误dll
2021-05-24 12:01:54 38KB unity打包错误dll
unity 打包 debug GUI
2021-04-26 19:00:32 8KB unity打包debugG
2021-04-02 09:43:50 4KB unity assetbundle
支持Unity2018 Trying to reduce your game build to less than 50 MB? Need to see which of your assets are eating up disk space? This tool provides a nice front-end for Unity's build info. It shows the assets included when you build and how much storage space each of them take. DLL List: See exactly what Mono DLLs are getting included in your build and how much space they take. Unused Assets List: Maybe you have files you don't use anymore? See what assets are not included in your build with the Unused Assets List! Save to XML: Save your build reports to XML files! Store multiple build reports for reference, or perhaps send them to your teammates. Project Settings: See what build settings were used on the project upon time of building. Useful for Continuous Integration systems when reviewing settings on automated builds. Also works on Personal Edition and mobile. For support or inquiries, send a tweet to @AnomalusUndrdog, send me a private message on the Unity forums, or join the discussion in our Unity forum thread
2021-03-30 16:19:34 267KB Unity 打包 工具
可以一键实现从X-code打包至ipa的过程,无需一直等待。而且实测速度似乎是要比手动打包快一些。 同时也支持一键上传appsotre。
2019-12-21 20:30:32 2KB Unity打包ipa
2019-12-21 19:34:31 2KB unity 安卓 android 自启
Unity打包出来为一个.exe文件 一个_Data文件 该文档把 这两个文件合并为一个.exe文件。生成桌面快捷方式
2019-12-21 18:49:21 1.46MB Unity打包 合并