将网页内嵌到Unity的系统中,亲测5.50没问题,一开导入可能需要手动加一下using 和网页解压,支持unity5.3以上
2021-04-02 13:34:36 117.55MB Unity
unity内嵌浏览器Embedded Browser V2.1.0(适用于PC端) 所支持的Unity版本:5.6.3 及以上版本 Render a webpage to a texture and fully interact with it! Expedite your inventory manager, simplify your registration page, or build a UI at lightning speed! Demo | Docs Features - Render sites to 2D or 3D objects - Chromium backend; best-in-class support for: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Call JavaScript1 from Unity - Call Unity from JavaScript1 - Transparent or opaque page background - Embed HTML + assets in game
2019-12-21 22:23:42 75B 网页 web unity内嵌 内嵌网页