设计模式的UML类图, 喜欢设计模式的可以下载参考
2024-04-19 20:28:56 1.24MB UML 设计模式
2024-04-07 13:48:27 94KB uml UML期末大作业
学习如何使用 IBM:registered: Rational:registered: Software Architect 和 Rational:registered: Systems Developer 工具将 UML 建模适于开发 C++ 应用程序。本文描述了7.0版本支持 C++ 领域建模的特性。在此,假设您正在不断更新模型和代码,并且想要实现 UML 与 C++ 之间的对应修改。那么您只需要拥有 UML 的基本知识,了解本文中介绍到的 Rational 软件产品,掌握如何运行转换以及如何应用概要文件和构造类型,就可以达到您的目的。
2024-03-28 08:51:49 132KB
2024-02-29 10:54:44 91KB uml类图 uml
这是一本uml china潘老师的关于EA建模的著作的公测稿件(手机尺寸浏览版),软件方法(上)第2版20170930更新,希望大家支持潘老师的原版,阅读后,去买本纸质的书~我也在写一本关于EA14问题解答的实战书,欢迎大家给我留言~
2024-01-31 17:11:30 15.88MB EA 建模 UML
2024-01-31 17:09:33 11.58MB UML UML精粹
2024-01-24 22:08:44 5.96MB UML
这是QP(即Quantum Programming)量子化编程技术最重量级的一本教程,由QP的创始人MIRO SAMEK编写,英文原版名:《MIRO SAMEKPractical UML Statecharts in C/C++, Second Edition: Event-Driven Programming for Embedded Systems》 《UML 状态图的实用C/C++设计》,中文资料,国内罕见,希望对有需要的朋友有所帮助
2024-01-15 14:46:10 178KB
Now widely adopted as the de facto industry standard and sanctioned by the Object Management Group, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a notation all software developers need to know and understand. However, the UML is a big language, and not all of it is equally important. The award-winning first edition of UML Distilled was widely praised for being a concise guide to the core parts of the UML and has proved extremely successful in helping developers get up and running quickly. UML Distilled, Second Edition, maintains the concise format with significantly updated coverage of use cases and activity diagrams, and expanded coverage of collaborations. It also includes a new appendix detailing the changes between UML versions.

Written for those with a basic understanding of object-oriented analysis and design, this book begins with a summary of UML's history, development, and rationale and then moves into a discussion of how the UML can be integrated into the object-oriented development process. The primary author profiles the various modeling techniques in the UML--such as use cases, class diagrams, and interaction diagrams--and describes the notation and semantics clearly and succinctly. He also outlines useful non-UML techniques such as CRC cards and patterns. These descriptions are made even more relevant with a collection of best practices based on the primary author's experience and a brief Java programming example demonstrating the implementation of a UML-based design. With this tour of the key parts of the UML, readers will be left with a firm foundation upon which to build models and develop further knowledge of the Unified Modeling Language.
2024-01-07 23:06:08 1.67MB Distilled UML