The book is ideal for Python developers who want to explore the tools in the Python ecosystem in order to build their own IoT applications and work on IoT-related projects. It is also a very useful resource for developers with experience in other programming languages that want to easily prototype IoT applications with the Intel Galileo Gen 2 board.
2022-09-26 16:45:21 8.15MB 物联网 IoT Python
an api used for diffrent things
2022-09-14 18:01:07 255KB api things
Androidthings-IOT 在NXP开发板上的采集湿度、串口采集甲醛浓度
2022-08-27 20:18:07 3MB 物联网 androidthings nxp 湿度
Android Things上的分布式钢琴 此代码示例使用户可以在多种设备上运行分布式钢琴,这些设备都连接到运行Android Things开发人员预览版的设备。 Android Things设备已插入扬声器,以接收和播放来自所有不同设备的笔记。 此代码示例使用Google附近的API将注释发送到Raspberry Pi3。请注意,此注释仅在Raspberry Pi 3上进行了测试,但也可以在其他板上使用。 建立 检出此存储库。 通过以下方式设置Raspberry Pi 3: 在Android Studio中打开存储库 运行“ app”并部署到Raspberry Pi上。 在您希望能够
2022-08-27 20:17:49 508KB android raspberry-pi android-things piezo
aliyun-iot-androidthings-nxp 谷歌Android things物联网硬件接入阿里云IoT物联网套件云端实战 1.硬件设备 android things开发板 NXP Pico i.MX7D NXP Pico i.MX7D 温湿度传感器 DHT12 DHT12支持I2C,淘宝有售 甲醛传感器 ZE08-CH2O ZE08支持UART,淘宝有售 设备接线 2.阿里云IoT物联网套件 2.1 开通阿里云IoT物联网套件 2.2 创建高级版产品 产品属性定义 属性名 标识符 数据类型 描述 温度 temperature float DHT12传感器采集 湿度 humidity float DHT12传感器采集 甲醛浓度 ch2o double ZE08传感器采集 2.3 设备端开发 a) 使用Android Studio创建Android things工程,添加网络权限
2022-08-27 20:08:35 837KB android iot android-things aliyun
This book highlights state-of-the-art research on big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), along with related areas to ensure efficient and Internet-compatible IoT systems. It not only discusses big data security and privacy challenges, but also energy-efficient approaches to improving virtual machine placement in cloud computing environments. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are ultimately two sides of the same coin, yet extracting, analyzing and managing IoT data poses a serious challenge. Accordingly, proper analytics infrastructures/platforms should be used to analyze IoT data. Information technology (IT) allows people to upload, retrieve, store and collect information, which ultimately forms big data. The use of big data analytics has grown tremendously in just the past few years. At the same time, the IoT has entered the public consciousness, sparking people’s imaginations as to what a fully connected world can offer. Further, the book discusses the analysis of real-time big data to derive actionable intelligence in enterprise applications in several domains, such as in industry and agriculture. It explores possible automated solutions in daily life, including structures for smart cities and automated home systems based on IoT technology, as well as health care systems that manage large amounts of data (big data) to improve clinical decisions. The book addresses the security and privacy of the IoT and big data technologies, while also revealing the impact of IoT technologies on several scenarios in smart cities design. Intended as a comprehensive introduction, it offers in-depth analysis and provides scientists, engineers and professionals the latest techniques, frameworks and strategies used in IoT and big data technologies. . Read more... Abstract: This book highlights state-of-the-art research on big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), along with related areas to ensure efficient and Internet-compatible IoT systems. It not only discusses big data security and privacy challenges, but also energy-efficient approaches to improving virtual machine placement in cloud computing environments. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are ultimately two sides of the same coin, yet extracting, analyzing and managing IoT data poses a serious challenge. Accordingly, proper analytics infrastructures/platforms should be used to analyze IoT data. Information technology (IT) allows people to upload, retrieve, store and collect information, which ultimately forms big data. The use of big data analytics has grown tremendously in just the past few years. At the same time, the IoT has entered the public consciousness, sparking people’s imaginations as to what a fully connected world can offer. Further, the book discusses the analysis of real-time big data to derive actionable intelligence in enterprise applications in several domains, such as in industry and agriculture. It explores possible automated solutions in daily life, including structures for smart cities and automated home systems based on IoT technology, as well as health care systems that manage large amounts of data (big data) to improve clinical decisions. The book addresses the security and privacy of the IoT and big data technologies, while also revealing the impact of IoT technologies on several scenarios in smart cities design. Intended as a comprehensive introduction, it offers in-depth analysis and provides scientists, engineers and professionals the latest techniques, frameworks and strategies used in IoT and big data technologies.
2022-08-07 15:37:29 15.37MB 大数据
2022-07-29 15:39:48 2.32MB design
2022-06-23 18:04:13 2.74MB 文档资料
消息转发机器人 自动转发目标消息 笔记 该主要版本与以前的主要版本不兼容。 不再提供对以前版本的技术支持。 如果您想升级到最新版本,请根据config.ini.default更新配置文件。 操作环境 需要 Python 3.7 及以上版本 需要以下库: 热图 异步程序 爱奥瑞迪斯 特征 支持除语音消息外的任何媒体。 使用 PostgreSQL 引擎检查目标媒体是否重复。 收集目标群体或频道的所有视频和图片。 自定义转发方法,包括黑名单。 自定义消息转发时间间隔,避免账号被封等风险。 支持日志功能。 通过在运行时通过命令写入配置文件来防止可能丢失配置文件。 以更方便的方式设置转发和恢复黑名单。 将日志中的警告消息转发到指定的组。 文档通道只处理转发视频和图像文件。 如果您有授权密码,您可以向bot账户发送授权码以获得权限。 通过使用命令行,用户可以删除黑名单中某个
2022-05-23 22:54:30 31KB telegram Python
官方刷入androidThings 的引导工具,内不包括系统镜像。 教程见:
2022-05-21 15:04:29 7.19MB things-setup setup utility