与 SPHERE()、ELLIPSOID() 或 SUPERQUAD() 非常相似,这些函数计算并返回使用 MESH() 或 SURF() 绘制一般超椭圆体或超环面所需的矩阵。 . 与 SUPERQUAD() 不同,SUPERELLIPSOID() 计算一般形式具有完全独立的轴顺序。 IE: . ((X-Cx) / Rx)^Px + ((Y-Cy) / Ry)^Py + ((Z-Cz) / Rz)^Pz = 1 . 为方便起见,这两个函数都接受作为向量或带有隐式扩展的标量的参数。 与内置功能一样,可以设置点数。 N 的默认值为 50。 . 如果没有指定输出,将创建一个新的冲浪图。 如果第一个参数是轴句柄,则可以指定显示轴。 . 包含演示文件(演示文件使用 FEX 中的 subplot_tight)
2021-09-02 21:35:43 501KB matlab
level set methods and dynamic implicit surfaces和工具箱.交互看很有用
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In the late 1950s, hardware became available that allowed the machining of 3D shapes out of blocks of wood or steel.1 These shapes could then be used as stamps and dies for products such as the hood of a car. The bottleneck in this production method was soon found to be the lack of adequate software. In order to machine a shape using a computer, it became necessary to produce a computer-compatible description of that shape. The most promising description method was soon identified to be in terms of parametric surfaces. An example of this approach is provided by Plates I and III: Plate I shows the actual hood of a car; Plate III shows how it is represented internally as a collection of parametric surfaces.
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这本书是创始人之一Osher写的,这本书是论述Level Set的最完整的书籍之一,更偏重于数值化的高精度解,应用领域涉及图像处理以及计算物理。
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2021-04-27 09:04:57 15.61MB CAGD Farin
《level set methods and dynamic implicit surfaces》学习水平集的经典书籍,由浅入深讲解的比较详细,作者是水平集的提出者。
2021-04-11 23:52:51 5.06MB 水平集
Bijnan Bandyopadhyay, Fulwani Deepak, Kyung-Soo Kim. Sliding mode control using novel sliding surfaces[M]. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
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