本标准定义了车联网数据应用采集周期、数据流编码规则、周期性数据采集、事件触发性数据采集的一般规则 本标准适用于T-Box、OBD、行车记录仪等车载设备的数据采集。
2021-11-12 16:20:56 6.16MB v2x 车联网 its标准
C++编程规范-101条规则、准则与最佳实践 中文版+英文原版合集 高清文字版 PDF格式 无水印 完整版 C++ Coding Standards 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices C++编程规范 by Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu 内容简介 · · · · · · 《C++编程规范:101条规则准则与最佳实践》中,两位知名的C++专家将全球C++界20年的集体智慧和经验凝结成一套编程规范。这些规范可以作为每一个开发团队制定实际开发规范的基础,更是每一位C++程序员应该遵循的行事准则。书中对每一条 规范都给出了精确的描述,并辅以实例说明;从类型定义到错误处理,都给出了最佳的C++实践。即使使用C++多年的程序员也会从《C++编程规范:101条规则准则与最佳实践》中受益匪浅。《C++编程规范:101条规则准则与最佳实践》适合于各层次C++程序员使用,也可作为高等院校C++课程的教学参考书。 作者简介 · · · · · · Herb Sutter,ISO C++标准委员会主席,C++ Users Journal杂志特邀编辑和专栏作家;他目前在微软公司领导NET环境下C++浯言扩展的设计工作除本书外.他还撰写了三本广受赞誉的图书:Exceptional C++ Style、Exceptional C++和More Exceptional C++。 . Andrei Alexandrescu,世界顶级的C++专家.“C++ Users Journal杂志的专栏作家,他的Modem C++ Design—书曾荣获2001年最佳C++图朽称号.书中所开发的Loki已经成为最负盛名的C++程序库之一。
2021-11-09 00:32:37 37.23MB C++ 编程规范
SWIFT Standards MT Release 2017 19 November 2017, Standards Release 2017 Live
2021-10-28 09:42:45 21.01MB SWIFT MT
Standards MT November 2019 - Standards Release Guide Published on 21 December 2018 The Standards Release Guide (SRG) for Standards MT November 2019 describes the changes for the next version of the Standards messages. This document provides information about format specifications, rules, guidelines, and field specifications.
2021-10-28 09:07:49 21.3MB SWIFT Standards 2019 SRG2019
JESD21-C, JEDEC Configurations for Solid State Memories, is a compilation of some 3000 pages of all memory device standards for solid state memory including DIMM, DRAM, SDRAM, MCP, PROM, and others from September 1989 to present. The JEDEC JC-42 Committee on RAM Memory and its Subcommittees, JC-45 Committee on Memory Modules and its Subcommittees and the JC-63 Committee on Multi Chip Packages develop the standards in JESD21-C and are responsible for updating the publication. An annual updating service for JESD21 is available by subscription. Subscribers receive periodic electronic updates for replacement or insertion into the hard copy JESD21-C. A complete hard copy of JESD21-C is available for purchase. The hard copy comes in two 3” wide 3-ring binders so that future updates can be added with ease.
2021-10-27 17:39:20 7.01MB Memory Configurations JESD21-C JEDEC
SEMI Standards 2006半導體標準規範 ,所有半導體公司都必需尊守此規範 About the SEMI Standards Program Why standards? The SEMI International Standards Program is one of the key services offered by Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) for the benefit of the worldwide semiconductor, photovoltaic (PV), LED, MEMS and flat panel display (FPD) industries. Standards offer a way to meet the challenges of increasing productivity while enabling business opportunities around the globe. The program, started over 40 years ago in North America, was expanded in 1985 to include programs in Europe and Japan, and now also has technical committees in China, Korea and Taiwan. In 1997, the Program was expanded to cover other areas with activity in these industries among suppliers and users. The program operates as a neutral forum for the exchange of information among suppliers and users resulting in the production of timely and technically accurate specifications and other standards of economic importance to the industry. It is a vehicle for networking, partnering, and professional growth. Over 5,000 technologists worldwide, representing both device manufacturers and equipment and materials suppliers, participate in the program. These individuals work toward resolving a variety of process and product related issues in both the front and back-end areas in semiconductor, photovoltaic, and flat panel display manufacturing.
2021-08-30 14:31:07 138.28MB semi
M100-S23 Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing--23rd Informational Supplement 微生物药物敏感性最新标准
2021-08-18 21:03:21 20.96MB CLSI M100-S23 M100 S23
Electrical Characteristics of Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Interface Circuits
2021-08-17 17:59:55 188KB LVDS_standards
GRACE level 2的处理标准手册
2021-08-12 17:02:18 212KB GRACE数据 GRACE-Level2
2015-Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants.pdf
2021-07-21 19:06:05 361KB 遗传病 变异位点解读 生物信息学