解压缩 'MATLAB_based_GUI_for_solving_Sudoku.zip' 文件并将此目录设为当前目录。 只需运行 GUI.m 文件,就会出现一个易于使用的图形用户界面屏幕。 说明非常简单,出现在出现的 GUI 屏幕上。 它们也在下面提供。 “通过用相关数字替换零并保留其他零原样,在上部网格中提交数独。 输入完成后,按提交按钮。 提交后,按“解决”按钮。 如果未解决的数独有真实的条目,您将在下部网格中看到完全正确解决的解决方案。 该代码不会检查不正确/不完整的提交......这是用户的注意事项。” 希望这是有帮助的。
2022-05-12 21:57:29 50KB matlab
AFO Solving real-world problems.zip,这是一份不错的文件
2022-04-29 13:00:56 418KB 文档
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I全书资源
2022-04-08 09:27:35 5.9MB 解微分方程 算法
Algorithmic Strategies for Solving Complex Problems in Cryptography 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2022-03-19 15:39:38 11MB Algorithmic Strategies Solving Complex
Problem Solving in Data Structures and Algorithms Using C++ 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-02-02 13:33:29 6.73MB Problem Solving Data Structures
Matlab A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving 4th 2016第4版 英文pdf
2022-01-29 23:06:25 21.57MB matlab
美国数学天赋班培训教材,英文原版。作者:Sandor Lehoczky, Richard Rusczyk。 This book is about methods. If you find yourself memorizing formulas, you are missing the point. The formulas should become obvious to you as you read, without need of memorization. This is another function of the examples and exercises: to make the methods part of the way you think, not just some process you can remember.
2022-01-25 22:15:16 4.73MB 数学 结题方发
真正的隐式问题:exp(x")+x"+x=0 与 IC:x(0)=1,x'(0)=0。 该 IVP 使用 MATLAB 求解器 ode15i 求解隐式 ODE 和 SIMULINK ode15s。
2022-01-20 10:47:01 15KB matlab
The challenge posed by the many-body problem in quantum physics originates from the difficulty of describing the non-trivial correlations encoded in the exponential com- plexity of the many-body wave function. Here we demonstrate that systematic machine learning of the wave function can reduce this complexity to a tractable computational form, for some notable cases of physical interest. We introduce a variational repre- sentation of quantum states based on artificial neural networks with variable number of hidden neurons. A reinforcement-learning scheme is then demonstrated, capable of either finding the ground-state or describing the unitary time evolution of complex interacting quantum systems. We show that this approach achieves very high accuracy in the description of equilibrium and dynamical properties of prototypical interacting spins models in both one and two dimensions, thus offering a new powerful tool to solve the quantum many-body problem.
2022-01-10 11:43:47 1MB 物理 神经网络
Solving Vehicle Routing Problems Using Constraint Programming and Metaheuristics.pdf
2021-12-18 09:11:36 231KB VehicleRouting