Asciidoctor 的语义 HTML5 后端 该项目为提供替代 HTML5 转换器(后端),专注于正确的语义、可访问性和与常见排版 CSS 样式的兼容性。 目标 使用正确的 HTML5 语义清理标记。 为残疾人士提供良好的无障碍环境。 尽可能与常见的排版 CSS 样式兼容,尤其是与 GitHub 和 GitLab。 完全独立的转换器,没有回退到内置的 Asciidoctor 转换器。 易于使用并集成到第三方项目中。 良好的可读性和可维护性的代码——永远不应该为了性能而牺牲它(我在看着你,Asciidoctor!)。 非目标 与现有 Asciidoctor CSS 样式的兼容性。 文本替换 引号 Asciidoctor 为所谓的 (实际上只是正确的引号)提供语法,但内置转换器仅输出一种(硬编码)类型的单/双引号——用于英语和其他几种语言。 此转换器根据指定的语言(使用标
2021-07-23 18:03:24 65KB html5 accessibility semantics asciidoc
With this book, readers with a basic grounding in discreet mathematics will be able to understand the practical applications of these difficult concepts. The book presents the typically difficult subject of "formal methods" in an informal, easy-to-follow manner. A "laboratory component" is integrated throughout the text.
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As a Model-Driven Development methodology (MDD) for the specific domain, Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) has been widely and successfully used in system design and analysis of specific areas. In spite of its general important, due to informal definition of Domain-Specific Modeling Language (DSMLs), t
Domain-Specific Modeling has been widely and successfully used in system design and modeling of specific areas. Due to informal definition of Domain-Specific Modeling Language (DSML) and Meta-Modeling Language (DSMML), the structural semantics of DSMLs and DSMMLs cannot be strictly described and the
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Network security policy and the automated refinement of its hierarchies aims to simplify the administration of security services in complex network environments. The semantic gap between the policy hierarchies reflects the validity of the policy hierarchies yielded by the automated policy refinement
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