Rcpp is an R add-on package which facilitates extending R with C++ functions. It is being used for anything from small and quickly constructed add-on functions written either to fluidly experiment with something new or to accelerate computing by replacing an R function with its C++ equivalent to large-scale bindings for existing libraries, or as a building block in entirely new research computing environments. While still relatively new as a project, Rcpp has already become widely deployed among users and developers in the R community. Rcpp is now the most popular language extension for the R system and used by over 100 CRAN packages as well as ten BioConductor packages. This books aims to provide a solid introduction to Rcpp
2021-10-03 23:50:42 2.85MB R-Language Rcpp c++
Seamless Image Cloning by a Closed Form Solution of a Modified Poisson Problem
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Seamless Image-Based Texture Atlases using Multi-band Blending
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无缝的 基于Spring Boot Seamless构建的Web应用旨在将所有音乐来源融合到一个界面中 当前集成 恩比(BETA) 潜在的未来整合 当地的 亚音速 跑步 现在查看开发人员 开发人员 所需的图书馆 专家 Java 8(Openjdk) 建立项目 在该仓库中运行make clean build 如果您使用的是18.04,并遇到https问题,则可以按照此处的说明进行修复: : 更新配置 使用用户/通过/服务器信息在构建/源中更新/创建EMBY.2018.配置 运行项目 生成/运行项目make run_with_config 打开 贡献者信息 想贡献...太棒了! 这里有几件事要考虑 以app开头CSS / HTML属性不可用于样式。 这些仅用于与Java后端通信的JS click事件 执照 该项目已获得GPLv2的许可。 参见https:/
2021-05-02 22:03:16 190KB Java
Seamless Texture Generator
2021-04-06 15:16:50 6.62MB 游戏
Illustrates a range of statistical computations in R using the Rcpp package Provides a general introduction to extending R with C++ code Features an appendix for R users new to the C++ programming language Rcpp packages are presented in the context of useful application case studies
2019-12-21 21:15:48 3.38MB R C++ Rcpp