2023-02-22 20:59:18 43KB JavaScript AJAX_stream 流式显示
The AXI4-Stream protocol is used as a standard interface to connect components that wish to exchange data. The interface can be used to connect a single master, that generates data, to a single slave, that receives data. The protocol can also be used when connecting larger numbers of master and slave components. The protocol supports multiple data streams using the same set of shared wires, allowing a generic interconnect to be constructed that can perform upsizing, downsizing and routing operations. The AXI4-Stream interface also supports a wide variety of different stream types. The stream protocol defines the association between Transfers and Packets.
2023-02-21 19:25:31 310KB axi4 stream 协议 arm
hlsdl 该程序将.m3u8播放列表(使用分段的MPEG-2传输流)转换为.ts视频。 它支持AES-128和SAMPLE-AES加密的解密。 要求 该程序需要libcurl和libcrypto库。 建造 Linux: make && make install && make clean Windows: : 用法和选项 ./hlsdl [options] url -b ... Automatically choose the best quality. -W ... Choose largest width lower or equal than this. -H ... Choose largest height lower or equal than this. -A ... Select audio language. -v ... Verbose more info
2023-02-06 18:55:49 65KB hls m3u8 hls-stream C
日志流 记录非常简单。 这个包本身与传输,持久性或任何种类无关。 相反,它将公开流,您可以根据需要在.pipe()周围添加流。 安装 npm install -- save log - stream 用法 var log = require ( 'log-stream' ) ( { name : 'myApp' } ) log . stream . pipe ( process . stdout ) log ( 'The sky is falling!' ) log . fatal ( 'This message should be %s.' , 'fatal' ) 选项 LogStream接受以下选项。 name :必填-将作为name包含在消息中。 levels :默认{ trace': 10, 'debug': 20,'info': 30,'warn': 40,'error':
2023-02-03 11:21:12 11KB JavaScript
This preface introduces the AMBA 4 AXI4-Stream Protocol Specification. It contains the following sections: • About this book on page ix • Feedback on page xii. About this book This book is for AMBA 4 AXI4-Stream Protocol Specification. Intended audience This book is written for hardware and software engineers who want to become familiar with the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) and engineers who design systems and modules that are compatible with the AMBA 4 AXI4-Stream protocol.
2023-01-09 11:33:16 446KB AMBA AXI4
比较详细的介绍Java 8新特性Stream
2023-01-07 15:02:28 807KB Java8
CluStream算法优缺点 优点: 提出了两阶段聚类框架,算法能适应数据流快速、有序无限、单遍扫描的特点。能够发掘数据流潜在的演化特性。 缺点: 1、不能发现任意形状的簇; 2、不能很好地识别离群点; 3、对高维数据聚类质量下降;
2023-01-01 21:09:29 500KB 数据流聚类 Stream CluStream
2022-12-31 14:25:46 17.69MB h264 Elecard_stream_t
Elecard Stream Analyzer是一个强大的工具,为媒体流的编码和日志介绍分析、语法分析而设计。Stream Analyzer 可以操作以下几种格式:MPEG-1 Video/Audio, MPEG-2 Video/Audio, AAC, AC-3和 AVC/H.264.
2022-12-16 11:04:45 3.01MB 码流分析
matlab教程 - 了解与LeCroy X-Stream COM对象服务器接口的MATLAB语法 从MATLABR14开始,访问分层对象中的属性所需的语法发生了显著变化。 这种与分层对象通信的语法可能很难得到正确的解释,也很难理解object的适用性。Item和Item构造取决于所引用的属性。本文档提供了对界面的更高层次的理解,以便用户可以编写访问任何范围属性所需的代码,而无需“猜测”。
2022-11-26 19:28:41 462KB matlab 接口 服务器接口 matlab接口