2021-08-17 09:04:02 169KB 行业资料-交通装置-一种SGP胶
esim标准技术规范, 有需要的筒子可以下载研究一下, 什么tag啦ef啦.... 最新的2020版本, 你不容错过!!
2021-07-19 21:59:25 3.8MB esim sim SGP 技术规范
Spacetrack Report No.3 Models for Propagation of NORAD Element Sets. pdf文档,详细介绍SGP/SDP,SGP4/SDP4,SGP8/SDP8等卫星轨道预测模型,并给出详细程序代码
2021-05-15 18:33:11 432KB SGP/SDP
The main aim of the GSMA Remote SIM Provisioning specifications [2] & [3] is to provide solution for the Remote SIM Provisioning of Consumer Devices. The adoption of this technical solution will provide the basis for global interoperability between different Operator deployment scenarios, for example network equipment (e.g. Subscription Manager Data Preparation (SM-DP+)) and various eUICC platforms. This Test Plan provides a set of test cases to be used for testing the implementations of the provisioning system specifications documents [2] & [3]. This document offers to the involved entities an unified test
2021-04-02 11:02:38 8.58MB eSIM
GSMA EID 定义和分配
2021-03-02 13:00:15 629KB GSMA EID SGP.29
SGP.22_v2.0 汉化版,RSP eSim eUICC 用文档
2019-12-21 20:32:06 1.25MB SGP.22 RSP 中文 eSim