三、SENT通讯协议技术介绍 1 基础术语 Receiver Module 接受模块,需要接受信号的控制单元,比如ECM Transmitter Module 发送模块,通常是发送SENT信号的传感器 Pulse Period 脉冲周期,相邻两个下降沿间的时间 Clock Tick Time 时钟节拍时间,构建SENT信号的基本时间单位 Reserved data range 预留数据位 Fast Channel 快速通道,一帧数据即可完成信息传输 Slow Channel 慢速通道,相对快速通道而言,需要多帧数据才能完成信息传输 nibble半字节值,4个bit,对应十进制0-15 6
2021-11-04 20:53:24 3.39MB SENT通讯最详细的介绍
2021-10-11 10:17:48 1.39MB SENT 通信标准
1. SCOPE This document defines a level of standardization in the implementation of the digital pulse scheme for reporting sensor information via Single Edge Nibble Transmission (SENT) encoding. This standard will allow ECU and tool manufacturers to satisfy the needs of multiple end users with minimum modifications to the basic design. This standard will benefit vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) by achieving lower ECU costs due to higher industry volumes of the basic design. Requirements stated in this document provide a minimum standard level of performance to which all compatible ECUs and media shall be designed. This assures data communication among all connected devices regardless of supplier. This document is a communication interface specification and no to be treated as product specification. The intended audience includes, but is not limited to, ECU suppliers, sensor suppliers, component release engineers and vehicle system engineers.
2021-09-22 15:53:46 2.55MB SENT SAE J2716
情绪分类器,用于对新闻中与股票市场相关的语料库的情绪进行分类。 相关文章可以在找到
2021-09-17 17:24:57 3.72MB JupyterNotebook
SENT协议主要应用与汽车电子中的点对点,传感器和电子控制单元 (SENT Single Edge Nibble Transmission for Automotive Applications.)
2021-09-16 10:10:33 5.22MB SAE J2716 SENT
基于springboot ,sse(serverlet-sent-event) 服务器主动定时向浏览器推送数据
2021-08-31 11:06:22 112KB springboot sse, serverlet sent
提到车载总线,我们通常会想到经济可靠的CAN、Lin以及成本过高的FlexRay或Ethernet总线。但随着车载传感器数量的增加和对测量精度要求的提升,需要一种相比CAN或Lin更便捷、可靠、经济的车载数据通讯解决方案 GM公司根据这种需求,首先制定了SENT标准,后来成为SAE J2716标准。随后一些公司在动力系统中逐渐采用该标准,并应用在整车传感器、执行器及Drive-by-wire线控等子系统中。目前越来越多的传感器都已支持SENT类型的信号 SENT全称:Single Edge Nibble Transmission,中文名称为:单边半字节传输协议,是一种点对点的、单向传输的方
2021-08-12 17:06:01 3.39MB SENT通讯最详细的介绍
SENT协议主要应用与汽车电子中的点对点,传感器和电子控制单元 (SENT Single Edge Nibble Transmission for Automotive Applications.)
2021-07-14 14:13:37 2.5MB SAE J2716 SENT
SENT协议主要应用与汽车电子中的点对点,传感器和电子控制单元 (SENT Single Edge Nibble Transmission for Automotive Applications.)
2021-07-14 13:48:27 596KB SAE J2716 SENT
2021-05-08 20:02:39 6.64MB espconn_sent示例