四、锂电池的充放电要求; 1、锂电池的充电:根据锂电池的结构特性,最高充电终止电压应为 4.2V,不能过充, 否则会因正极的锂离子拿走太多,而使电池报废。其充放电要求较高,可采用专用的 恒流、恒压充电器进行充电。通常恒流充电至 4.2V/节后转入恒压充电,当恒压充电 电流降至 100mA 以内时,应停止充电。 充电电流(mA)=0.1~1.5 倍电池容量(如 1350mAh 的电池,其充电电流可控制在 135~ 2025mA 之间)。常规充电电流可选择在 0.5 倍电池容量左右,充电时间约为 2~3小
2024-01-18 20:59:14 658KB 电池管理
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嵌套仿真器 建筑 $ rustc --version rustc 1.32.0 (9fda7c223 2019-01-16) $ cargo --version cargo 1.32.0 (8610973aa 2019-01-02) $ cargo build --release $ cargo run --release --bin nes-emulator 仿真器将以iNES格式加载位于硬编码路径roms/mario.nes 。 在Windows上,您可能需要通过启用适当的功能来静态链接SDL: $ cargo run --release --bin nes-emulator --features 'sdl2/bundled' 输入项 该模拟器已经过Xbox 360控制器的测试,但应可与SDL库识别的任何控制器一起使用。 此外,这些键盘键还控制模拟器: 转义:退出仿真器 暂停:
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VTracer 建立在visioncortex之上的光栅到矢量图形转换器 | | 内置 :crab: 介绍 visioncortex VTracer是一款开源软件,可将光栅图像(如jpg和png)转换为矢量图形(svg)。 它可以矢量化图形和照片并追踪曲线以输出紧凑的矢量文件。 与仅接受二进制输入(黑白像素图)的相比,VTracer具有可处理彩色高分辨率扫描的图像处理管道。 与Adobe Illustrator的Live Trace相比,VTracer的输出更加紧凑(形状更少),因为我们采用了堆叠策略,并且避免产生带有Kong的形状。 VTracer最初设计用于处理高达十亿像素的历史蓝图的高分辨
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Key Features Learn how concurrency works in Rust and why it is safe Get to know the different philosophies of error handling and how to use them wisely After reading this book, you will be able to migrate your legacy C or C++ application to a Rust environment Book Description If concurrent programs are giving you sleepless nights, Rust is your go-to language. Being one of the first ever comprehensive books on Rust, it is filled with real-world examples and explanations, showing you how you can build scalable and reliable programs for your organization. We'll teach you intermediate to advanced level concepts that make Rust a great language. Improving performance, using generics, building macros, and working with threads are just some of the topics we'll cover. We'll talk about the official toolsets and ways to discover more. The book contains a mix of theory interspersed with hands-on tasks, so you acquire the skills as well as the knowledge. Since programming cannot be learned by just reading, we provide exercises (and solutions) to hammer the concepts in. After reading this book, you will be able to implement Rust for your enterprise project, deploy the software, and will know the best practices of coding in Rust.
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