问题是在优化整体燃料消耗的同时,使机动航天器与目标航天器会合。 由于传输是共面的,因此不考虑平面外项。 这是一个具有指定边界条件的自由最终时间最优控制问题。
2021-06-03 12:19:34 3KB matlab
A method of estimating the relative clocks between two spaceborne global positioning.system (GPS) receivers based on the single-difference (SD) observations is investigated in.this paper. Especially, the advantages of introducing a double-difference (DD) solution.constraint, including the orbits and ambiguities, are discussed with the simulated data.and the real data of Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites. The.theoretical accuracy analysis shows that the accuracy of the re
2021-02-21 19:09:43 512KB 研究论文
relative_energy的小波分析代码,可以用来特征分析,该文件是有国外权威学者发布的代码,引用时请注明Copyright (c) 2009, Guan Wenye All rights reserved.很好的资料
2019-12-21 22:03:00 218KB relative_energy