The C++ Programming Language【第三版-特别版中文】
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2023-11-21 08:03:22 9.54MB 最好的C++教程
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Natural Language Processing with Python Cookbook_Code 源码 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2023-10-22 06:01:36 1.21MB Natural Language Processing Python
twitter_sentiment_bert_scikit Twitter美国航空数据集情感分析(情感分析),使用Bert句子编码作为特征,实现了SVM,XGBoost,RandomForest(随机森林)等多个分类算法,从而进行了交叉验证。 数据来自 预安装 我们在Python 3环境中运行该项目,建议您使用Anaconda 3通过以下脚本安装所需的软件包。 当然,您可以使用pip进行安装。 conda create -n tweet_sentiment -c anaconda python=3.7 numpy scikit-learn xgboost pandas tensorflo
本资料为,达内科技内部 c++课件及源码笔记[完美版] 强烈推荐,新老程序员收藏~~!绝对经典~!!! 欢迎使用达内科技(中国)公司开放实验室的服务! Welcome to the OpenLab of Tarena Technologies Inc. Cananda. #include #include using namespace std; int main( ) { ofstream fout("test.txt"); int k; char buf[50]; fout << "This is a text file." << endl; cout << "Please enter a number:"; cin >> k; fout << "The number you entered is " << k << endl; cout << "Please enter a word:"; cin >> buf; fout << "The word you entered is: " << buf << endl; fout.close( ); }
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the ground book for assembly language programming in Linux Enviroment
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Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux 讲解linux平台下的assembly 的使用。
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Delivering a solid introduction to assembly language and embedded systems, ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition continues to support the popular ARM7TDMI, but also addresses the latest architectures from ARM, including Cortex™-A, Cortex-R, and Cortex-M processors―all of which have slightly different instruction sets, programmer’s models, and exception handling. Featuring three brand-new chapters, a new appendix, and expanded coverage of the ARM7™, this edition: Discusses IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic and explains how to program with the IEEE standard notation Contains step-by-step directions for the use of Keil™ MDK-ARM and Texas Instruments (TI) Code Composer Studio™ Provides a resource to be used alongside a variety of hardware evaluation modules, such as TI’s Tiva Launchpad, STMicroelectronics’ iNemo and Discovery, and NXP Semiconductors’ Xplorer boards Written by experienced ARM processor designers, ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition covers the topics essential to writing meaningful assembly programs, making it an ideal textbook and professional reference.
2023-09-18 11:32:38 3.95MB ARM Assembly Language Fundamentals